Shadark Spellshield

Treading the fine line between an independent organization and an arm of the City Watch under the command of the Governor, a group of wizards and sorcerers called SPELLSHIELD helps prevent crime in the city. Members patrol high-commerce areas invisibly and use magic that allows them to see invisible creatures, detect ongoing magic (usually for sensing mind control and persuasion magic used on shopkeepers), and read thoughts to catch thieves. SPELLSHIELD is based within XXX in XXX.   Although most people do not believe it, SPELLSHIELD is in no way affiliated with the XXX d. Instead, it is administered by wizard named XXX (female Xxx). XXX is a secretive figure in the city—although many important people know who she is, few have actually met her. She rarely attends public functions or social events.     A typical SPELLSHIELD mage has arcanist stats; alignment lawful neutral. Equipment: quarterstaff, light crossbow, bolts (12), scroll of detect thoughts.
Guild, Mages


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