The Asari Ethnicity in Mass Effect's Milky Way | World Anvil
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The Asari



  Seen as leaders among the other races Asari are revered for their wisdom and strength.   Ability Score Increase:   A + 4 to your Wisdom and a + 3 to your Carisma.   Age: Asari live to be around 1,000 years old with Asari being considered young adults at around 50.   Size: Your size is medium   Speed: 30ft.   ~~~~~~~~~~~   Life Stages:   Maiden:   Courious and hungry for knolege, maidens often leave the comfort of Asari space to explore what the galaxy has to offer, Growing their combat skills to deadly perfection.   Gain a +2 to Str. Learning somthing new can give you insiration.   Age: You are around 50 - 300 years old.   Matron:   Looking for a sense of stability and community Matrons are often preparing themselves to settle down and have children, Most settle far from home in a new community to call their own.   Gain a +3 to Cha. Helping to resolve issues and build a community can give you inspiration.   Age: You are around 300 - 700 years old.   Matriarch:   Seen as community leaders Matriarchs rarely leave Asari space, seeing them outside of their home is always a call for surprise and wonder. Matriarchs are masters of the fields they chose in life and often are sought after by the younger generation, Natural teachers and nurturers they excel in bringing out the best in Maidens.   Gain a +2 to Wis. and a +2 to Con.   You gain inspiration when training young minds in something you are proficient in.     ~~~~~~~~~~~   Innate Biotics:   Choose a class Vanguard or Adept, you learn 2 Biotrips of your choice from the power list, also choose 1 LVL 1 power from the same list which you can cast at it's lowest level, once you cast you must wait 2 turns before using it again. WIS is your Powercast.   Mind Meld:   As an action, you can attempt to transfer or receive thoughts from another organic creature within 2 meters. If the creature is unwilling, it must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. If it fails, you can successfully begin the meld, initially learning the surface thoughts of the creature -- what is most on its mind in that moment. If you choose a creature that has an Intelligence of 3 or lower, the creature is unaffected.   If you have an active mind meld, you can attempt to probe deeper into the creature's mind as an Action. If you do, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates). Alternatively, you may use your action to direct questions at the target creature to naturally shape the course of its thoughts.   Mind meld lasts 1 minute. An unwilling creature makes another Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On a successful save, the meld ends. Mind meld also ends if you attempt to mind meld another creature or the creature is farther than 2 meters from you. You may also end the meld as a free action on your turn.   You may use Mind Meld a number of times between long rests equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).   ~~~~~~~~~~~   Variant: Ardat Yakshi:   Gain Trait: Addiction. Addiction is measured in five levels. Once per day, you must make a DC 0 Constitution saving throw. Every day you do not mate, the DC of this saving throw increases (5, 8,10,15,18) On a failed save, your addiction level increases by 1.   You suffer the effect of your current addiction level as well as all lower levels. Mating with a creature removes all levels of addiction and resets the DC of your addiction saving throw to 0.  
1: Disadvantage on initiative rolls
2: Disadvantage on attack rolls
3: Disadvantage on ability checks
4: Disadvantage on saving throws
5: You can no longer distinguish friend from foe. Every creature you see makes you want to meld, grab the closest creature to you of INT of 3 or higher and attempt to meld with them, the creature will have to do a Wisdom save of 16 to resist you, on a fail you meld and your addiction resets to zero, the creature dies.
  All Ardat Yakshi feel the urge to mate, there are perks and drawbacks depending on if your Ardat Yakshi Abstains or indulges in melding or if they occasionally lapse.   Alignment:   Most Ardat Yakshi that indulge lean toward the evil alignment while those who abstain tend to lean toward neutral or good though there are exceptions.   Below is a table showing the back and forth progression and regression for the Ardat Yakshi depending on what they choose.      

  Abstain:   Lvl 1: Stave off. By meditating for one hour a day you can center your mind, allowing you to roll without disadvantage, you can do this as part of a long rest.   Lvl 2: Mental Resilience. Meditating for 14 days straight will grant you Mental Resilience, gaining advantage on saving throws on being charmed or frightened.   Lvl 3: Mental Strength. Meditating for 30 days straight will grant you Mental Strength, gaining a +2 WIS and gain advantage on intimidation-saving throws.   Lvl 4: Mental Control. After Meditating for 45 days will give you control over your mental state, your addiction is white noise in the background, allowing you to focus on more important things. Gain an additional +1 to WIS and gain a Biotic boost, adding a D4 to your first attack of a fight.   Lvl 5: Alifted. After 60 days of meditation and abstaining from melding you feel a weight lift from your shoulders. add your D4 additional Dmg to any nat 20 rolls as well. You no longer need to roll hunger rolls and no longer worry of disadvantage on other rolls, unless you meld by choice. Melding will reset you to the ACCEPTANCE stage reverting any skill bonuses you have gained.     Acceptance:   ( 1 Meld every 2 to 3 sessions )   Lvl 1: Hunger Resist. You fight the hunger boiling deep inside you. You can re-roll a disadvantage roll caused by your addiction once per long rest.   Lvl 2: Power Struggle. As you struggle with your addiction you also revel in your new found power, gain a +2 to all biotic attacks.   Lvl 3: Mental Hold. As your learn to balance how often you should meld you also gain the following: gain resistance to mind domination, +1 to 2 ability scores.   Lvl 4: Ability Boost. Finally you are yourself, gain a D2 to your first biotic attack roll of a fight and a +2 to INT.   Indulgence:   lvl 1: Hunger. The longer you wait the worse the hunger grows, gain disadvantage on your hunger saving throws, every additional day you go without melding while having the hunger trait you get disadvantage on initiative and on your first attack in a fight. (Melding will reset this)   Lvl 2: Power surge. (Gained after melding 5 times) You let yourself loose taking whatever power you want. Gain a +1 to 2 ability scores of your choice and add one Lvl 1 biotic power.   Lvl 3: Dominate (Gained after melding 15 times) You learn the Dominate power as your power grows.   Lvl 4: Mind Control. (Gained after melding 30 times) You use your biotic mental power to influence a creature of INT of 3 or higher, on a failed Wisdom saving throw the target is willing to do whatever you command for 3 turns (or 10 minutes out of combat). At the end of 3 turns or 10 minutes the target can try to resist your control, on a second fail the target's mind is fried if mind control is not ended.   Lvl 5: Power Surge 2. (Gained after melding 50 times) You embrace eternity. Gain a +2 to 2 of your ability scores and +1 to all the rest. Gain 2 biotic powers of your choice.

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