The Quarians Ethnicity in Mass Effect's Milky Way | World Anvil
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The Quarians


  Living in exile of their own creation, Quarians wander the stars in hopes of one day finding a new home.   Ability Score Increase:   A + 2 to your Intelligence and a + 1 to your Dexterity.   Age: Quarians live at around the same lifespan as humans.   Size: Your size is medium.   Speed: 30ft.   ~~~~~~~~~~~  

Hermetic Suit:

  Due to your weak immune system, it is necessary that you wear your suit at all times, your suit is a highly sophisticated model that is skin tight to protect its' user. However, you are always at risk, if you are hit with piercing or slashing damage past your shields your suit will be breached. For every hour your suit goes unrepaired you lose 1d4 damage as well as a level of exhaustion, gaining a new level every hour.   Sealing the breach:   In order to prevent this, you will need to seal your suit, you can do this using one Omni gel or your internal suit augment. An Omni gel is a quick fix but will need to be fixed as soon as possible using your suit's augment will do a better, longer-lasting job but will take some time.   Breach seal: Omni Gel.   Use an action (Or 1 minute if not in combat) to seal the breach, this is a quick fix and will reopen after 12 turns (Of 30 minutes out of combat) And will need another Omni gel to fix.   Breach Seal: Suit Augment.   Your suit has an internal breach protocol and augment to emergency seal. This does a far better job of sealing the breach, lasting for up to 48 hours, your suit will still need repairing at a facility but you can last much longer before needing to. This action will take 12 turns (or 30 minutes out of combat)   ~~~~~~~~~~~   Cybernetic Augmentation:   Cerebral: +3 INT
Muscular: +2 to either STR or DEX or +1 to each
Ocular: +2 to either INT or WIS or +1 to each.
Visceral: +2 CON

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