The Salarians Ethnicity in Mass Effect's Milky Way | World Anvil
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The Salarians



  The fathers of invention and knowledge Salarians are always on the move, they think, eat, sleep, and work much faster then most, at the expense that their bodies also age at a rate far faster then any other species, using their brilliant minds they have furthered technology in just a few short generations then most and continue to excel in research and study.   Ability Score Increase:   A +4 to Intelligence and a +2 to Charisma.   Age: Salarians are considered adults at 12 - 14 years of age. Ones over 40 are very rare.   Size: Your size is medium.   Speed: 30ft.   ~~~~~~~~~~~   You gain inspiration from working on tech or studying new or unknown tech, flora, or fauna.   Amphibious: Can breathe both air and water.   High-Speed Metabolism: Due to their Metabolism Salarians have their short and long rests cut in half.   Photographic Memory: Whenever you make an Intelligence (Engineering, electronics, history, or science) check to recall info, add twice your proficiency bonus even if you are not proficient in that skill.   Twice As Bright: You gain proficiency in 2 skills of your choice and 2 tools of your choice. When you make an ability check with one of the chosen skills or tools roll a D4 and add the number rolled to the checks total.   ~~~~~~~~~~~  

Variant: Lystheni:

  The Lystheni are an "offshoot" of the Salarians, unwelcome in Council space. They may be found living among Batarians, exiled Quarians, and other galactic refuse at the Omega station. Little is known about Lystheni other than they are considerably stronger, durable, and live longer lives. There are rumors on the extranet that their genes have been spliced with Krogan DNA, though there is no evidence to support the claim. If you choose to play a Lystheni, replace the Ability Score Increase, High-Speed Metabolism, and Twice as Bright with the following.   Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +3 Strength, +1 Constitution   Age: Lystheni tend to live longer than their Salarian cousins, living to be anywhere from 80 to 90 years old.   Aggressive: As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed toward an enemy of your choice that you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.     Lystheni Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.   Melee Ready: Add an D4 additional melee Dmg to your first melee attack of a fight or to your next turn IF you decide to melee AFTER using Aggressive as your bonus action.

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