The Unshackled AI Ethnicity in Mass Effect's Milky Way | World Anvil
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The Unshackled AI

Unshackled AI:

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a self-aware computing system capable of learning and independent decision making. Creation of a conscious AI requires adaptive code, a slow, expensive education, and a specialized quantum computer called a "blue box".   Ability Score Increase:   A + 3 to your Intelligence.   Age:   AI Lifespans can technically be infinite, but, like any software, they are prone to bit rot and need routine maintenance. Their level of “maturity” depends on the developer and neural model. Most are “born” fully matured.   Size:   AI size is largely dependent on the housing hardware; however, hardware that is too large can cause unintentional power drain on the blue box. Thus, AI hardware tends to fall within standard humanoid range. Your size is Medium.   Speed:   Your speed is determined by your hardware chosen below. None   ~~~~~~~~~~~   Sentry Mode:   When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.   Synthetic Construct:   As a synthetic creature you gain the benefits and detriments of not being composed of biological material. Your creature type is synthetic and you cannot be the target of any power, item, or feature that indicates an organic target. You gain the following:   You are immune to psychic and poison damage
You are immune to disease and the poisoned condition
You are vulnerable to lightning damage.
Being stabilized requires a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Engineering) or Intelligence (Electronics) check instead of Wisdom (Medicine).
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.
You do not need to sleep.


  Alliance Infiltration Unit.   The Alliance Infiltration Unit is modeled on the Cerberus synthetic Eva that Commander Shepard's team recovered on Mars. While considered illegal by the Council, the Alliance secured a special allowance to deploy the infiltration unit during the Reaper wars.   Ability Score Increase:   +1 Dexterity   Speed:   Your base walking speed is 45ft.   Darkvision.   You can see in dim light within 24 meters of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.     Repair Matrix.   You have internal failsafes and repair protocols to assist with your longevity. You can expend one or more Hit Dice as an Action, roll the die, and gain that many hit points.   Additionally, you regain all spent Hit Dice during a long rest, instead of the usual amount.     Shotgun Mastery.   You are proficient with Shotguns and when you roll a 1 on a damage die for an attack you make with a shotgun, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.     Stealth Unit.   Hopper platforms are designed for covert operations. You have proficiency in Stealth.   You can activate your stealth unit without a stealth roll once per long rest.   Hologram:   Once a VI with a hard-light holographic interface, the Hologram has gained sentience either through a programming error or an intentional test brought on by an experiment into “friendly” AI. Unlike other sentient AI’s that struggle to understand humanoids, Holograms were programmed from the ground up to be empathetic and relatable.     Ability Score Increase:   +2 Charisma   Speed.   Your base walking speed is 40ft.   Compatible Hardware.   You are proficient in Omni-tool weapons, and your omni-tool (and omnitool weapons) cannot be removed or dropped from your projection against your will.     Digital Friend.   You are proficient in Persuasion.   Additionally, you may add your intelligence modifier to your persuasion check. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short rest before you use it again.   Emitter & Projection.   You have an Emitter and a Projection. Your emitter is a device that houses the Hologram’s personality and memories, and acts as the “true body” of the Hologram. It is a Tiny device that has 10 AC and a number of hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus. The emitter has no means of mobility, thus has a walking speed of 0. It has an array of sensory inputs and acts as “you” when determining what you can see or hear.   Your projection is a hard-light construct that physically interacts with the world. The projection has a base walking speed of 12 meters and gains all the benefits of your selected class. When summoned, the projection can equip weapons and armor, use actions, cast powers, and interact with objects. Whenever the projection is recalled or dissipated, it drops any weapons or armor in its location.   Your projection and emitter have separate health pools. Whenever you recover hit points, you can distribute the amount recovered between either pool. If the projection is reduced to 0 hit points, it dissipates. If the emitter is reduced to 0 hit points, you make death saving throws as normal.   Whenever your projection is in the same space as your emitter, it can store the emitter within its hard-light shell as a free action. While stored in this way, your emitter benefits from full cover and is immune to damage.     Projecting.   As a bonus action, you may recall or summon your projection within your own space or in an unoccupied space within 12 meters. The projection lasts indefinitely and dissipates if its hit points are reduced to 0, it falls unconscious, it moves farther than 12 meters from your emitter, or it moves to a location which has full cover from your emitter.   You cannot summon your projection if it has 0 hit points.     Rapid Recall.   Whenever your emitter or projection is targeted by an attack or power you can see, you can use your reaction to recall your projection and summon it in your emitter’s space.   You may use this feature once between long rests.   Loki:   One of the “easiest” solutions to deploying an unshackled AI is to attach its blue box to an existing mech. LOKI mechs are an effective and cost-affordable solution. Ability Score Increase   +2 to one ability score that isn't Intelligence   Speed: Your base walking speed is 40ft.   ~~~~~~~~~~~   Advanced Optics.   Your optic sensors have two additional optic modes: darkvision 24m (60ft) and infrared vision 24m (60ft). You can toggle these modes on or off (or between the two) as a bonus action.     Energy Pulse.   Your hands can discharge electrical pulses and are considered natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal 1d8 lightning damage instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. In addition, a target hit by this attack can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.     Perfect Disguise.   You are indiscernible from other LOKI mechs and can calibrate your voice to make it unreadable and void of emotion. You have proficiency in Deception.     Self Destruct.   If you have less than half your hit points remaining, you can use your reaction to initiate a self-destruct sequence. If you do so, each creature within 4 meters of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 15 plus your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, a creature suffers fire damage equal to 8d6 + your remaining hit points, or half as much on a successful save. Then, you drop to 0 hit points and suffer one death saving throw failure.   After you use your this trait, you cannot do so again until you’ve successfully reinstalled your explosive devices. The process takes 4 hours and 5,000 credits worth of explosives.   Variant: Aftermath.   After you use your this trait, roll a d8 and consult the Self Destruct Aftermath table. The result of the d8 indicates the parts of your hardware that are irreparable and must be replaced. When you are stabilized or healed you suffer the effect listed in the table which persists until you can purchase or find replacement parts and install them. Typically installation requires 4 hours of work and a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Engineering) or (Electronics) check.   You cannot use Self Destruct again until all of your parts are replaced.   Self Destruct Aftermath:  
  Swarm Tactics:   Your underlying LOKI programming is built on swarming enemies with superior numbers. Once per turn, you have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 2 meters of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

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