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  The Gemini (sometimes known as Star People) is one of the less common races in the Mastracosm. They were outsiders created on the celestial plane by the star gods but have lived on the material plane long enough to be inextricably tied to it. As a race, they have existed for nearly 2000 years and once peaked as a culture before being brought to near extinction by demons. Now they have mostly recovered and strive to reach the heights their race achieved in the past as they follow the path that their gods laid out for them.  


  The Gemini are slender humanoids that share a similar appearance to the high elves except for their height. They possess a natural intellect, and their physical form is pleasing to the eye, but they are physically weaker than other races, such as humans.   The most common skin color a Gemini is born with is dark blue, but some possess different colorations like brown, black, or even fair-skinned. Their skin texture is the same as most humanoids, but due to their outsider origins, their skin possesses a faint pearly luster. Their hair color mostly comes in black or silver and can come in different textures based on heritage, such as straight or afro-textured. They have oval-shaped eyes with jewel-toned pupils that can have a single shade of color. Sometimes a Gemini can be born with a faint luminosity beneath the skin or around their hair due to their ancestry as outsiders. All Gemini are born with a birthmark called a star mark. The star mark is a pattern of dots on the skin that appear like a constellation. A Gemini's emotions can cause the stark mark on their body to glow and twinkle. It can also happen when they command magical power.   There is little sexual dimorphism between male and female Gemini. A male Gemini can be a little taller and broader than their female counterparts, and male Gemini can grow facial hair. Yet, sometimes both genders can be androgynous in appearance.   Gemini individuals typically dress in pastel colors that reflect a casual and modest style in public. However, their clothing choices may vary depending on the time of day, location, and season; this includes occupation and personal preference.  


  Geminis are a soul and a collection of celestial energy bound to flesh and bone, animating it into a physical body with blood rich in magical essence.   The Gemini race has a 40-year lifespan. They instinctively know their age and can sense when they are close to death unless their death is by unnatural means. When a Gemini reaches the age of ten, they attain physical and mental maturity and remain in their prime until they pass away. Although it is rare, some Gemini has exceeded their natural lifespan through either magical means or by receiving the blessings of their deities after accomplishing worthy feats. When they die, Geminis don’t decompose like other humanoids. Instead, when their essence and soul leave their body, their body turns to dust.   Geminis can bear children with members of different compatible races, but their children are always the father’s or mother’s race. That child still carries the essence of a Gemini inside them and is born with a star mark as part of their heritage. They are also naturally gifted with magic and can become powerful spellcasters.  


  While no two Gemini are the same, most Gemini are good-natured, outgoing people that can make friends easily. Their short lifespans make them want to get the most out of life, making them impetus and curious. They can sometimes come off as intrusive and irritating, but it is not intentional. They value their friends highly and will support them in any way they can. Their desire-driven personality makes them want to seek out a role and purpose in life, a desire to define themselves compared to their peers. Sometimes this can become an obsession in some Gemini. A key trait in a Geminis personality is perseverance, no matter what they are up against, making them dependable in a difficult situations.  




  After the death of Rajaron and Konwilden and the creation of the divine law, a group of remaining Star Gods came together to create a race of mortal kin that could thrive in the Mastracosm. They looked at Rajaron and Konwilden's mistakes when they designed the High Elves and the Nilbog. They also looked at the mistakes made during the Divine War, the destruction of the Forge Lord’s works, and the sullying of a canvas made since immemorial. They put themselves, their shame, hopes, and beliefs onto a new canvas and created the Gemini, but the Gemini wasn’t perfect at first, and they did not want to release the Gemini before they were ready. The first Gemini developed in the celestial plane on the Isles of Beginning, a microcosm of the material plane where the gods tested them. The first of the Gemini were unstable and unsightly things of pure energy, an imbalance of the ideas from each god. The proto-Gemini eventually took the form they have now after many revisions. The first perfected male and female Gemini, Pollux, and Proxima, were created in the image of Polaris and Stella, the first two-star gods made by the Forge Lords, who brought the gods together to make their race. The gods told Pollux and Proxima they had two purposes: to cherish and appreciate the Forge Lord’s works, help make it thrive, and solve the Star Gods' near extinction during the Divine Wars.   Pollux and Proxima ruled the Gemini until they passed away and entered what modern Gemini calls the cycle, where Geminis reincarnate into new bodies after they die. The Gemini developed a proto-culture on the Isles of Beginning as their gods guided but never interfered with their development. Their relationship with magic and concepts like the Kalah, Tela’Vem, and the Eternal originated in Gemini proto-culture.  

The First Era (1000 4A-2000 4A)

  After the gods deemed them ready, the Geminis were taken from their ancestral home in the celestial plane and brought to a chain of islands northwest of Watan, where they settled. The Geminis called these islands the Zora Islands and created their first civilization there. As the Geminis developed, they rapidly progressed in magic, science, and technology. They looked to the stars and constellations for guidance and strength, hoping to tap into the energies the forge lords used to brush their universal canvas. When they entered an expansionist period, they crafted boats that sailed across the sea and landed on the Watan, where Geminis traveling on their Tela’Vem met the High Elves for the first time and then discovered the other races on the mainland.     During this time, the Geminis mainly traded with the High Elves and had a small presence on the mainland as their civilization on the Zora Islands continued to advance. When the Gemini civilization reached its height, disaster struck as the largest volcano on the Zora Islands suddenly erupted and tore open a breach between the mortal plane and the abyss. Demons poured out of the breach like a tidal wave led by a Demon Lord named Vapula. The Demon Lord attempted to conquer and corrupt the Geminis into infernal servitude. This war against the Demon Lord is known as Star Fall among the Gemini people. Scores of Geminis were killed or enslaved, and the entire race was nearly brought to ruin until the first Eternal among the Geminis defeated Vapula. The uncorrupted Geminis that were left fled their home island with the help of the High Elves and resettled on Wantan.    

The Second Era (2000 4A-96 5A)

  After Star Fall, the Geminis settled in the Northern part of Wantan in a mountainous region called the Aldura Highlands. The Elven High Priest Shahrukh Softsong ruled the area and sheltered the Geminis. Despite their losses, the Gemini slowly recovered over time and built a new capital, a city-state called Pandora, and started to redevelop. They fostered relations between the Magnon, High Elves, and later the humans that lived in the region. For a time, their relationship with Shahrukh was good. But when Kos became more oppressive, Shahrukh placed restrictive mandates on the Geminis that affected where they could travel, what technology they could develop, and how big their military could be. And though Shahrukh was lenient in enforcing Kos’s decrees, the Geminis' resurgence stalled under the restrictions, and they didn’t have the means to go against the rule of the High Elves.   Animosity toward the High Elves slowly grew among the Gemini population as they continued to develop despite their restrictions. Many believed that Kos would eventually become hostile toward them. When Shahrukh mysteriously disappeared, a new Elven Lord took over, and he ended Shahrukh’s lenient policies. When the resistance movement against Kos started, some Gemini offered assistance by letting the resistance members use their Tela’Vem routes as safe travel. Other Gemini joined the resistance and fought against the High Elf oppressors. The Gemini Leadership disavowed these Gemini to prevent reprisal from Kos but secretly supported their efforts.   After Kos fell and the High Elven leadership was in disarray, the Gemini nation revolted and took advantage of the situation to push them out of the Aldura Highlands with their resistance allies and the second Gemini Eternal Aquila Brightfire. With the Gemini remaining the most populace and dominant force in the Highlands, they annexed the region from the High Elves and took control of it for themselves. During the Shadow Succession, the Geminis fought against High Elven forces trying to destabilize their nation. At the same time, Gemini society entered a new era called the golden century, where they made remarkable strides in every aspect of their civilization in part due to partnerships with the Terra Elves and salvaging the remains of High Elven technology previously barred from them, but most these advancements were made possible by the absence of the High Elven mandates that restricted them.  

Society and Culture

  Gemini society exemplifies the virtues of exploration, innovation, creativity, and knowledge. They respect the world that the Forge Lords have made for them and feel the best way to honor them is to understand the world, learn about its secrets, and share what they have learned with others. A Gemini will travel to the ends of the earth if there is a chance to learn new things. Knowledge is power to them - the power to shape the world into creations that benefit themselves and others. They have immense disdain for other races that do not appreciate what the Forge Lords have given society and culture.  

The Role

In Gemini culture, the Kalah plays a crucial part. It mandates that every individual belonging to this community must contribute to society in some capacity, regardless of the nature of their role. As a part of their upbringing, their mentors identify their strengths and capabilities before starting an apprenticeship in their expertise. Unlike other societies, where social status or rank dictates one's profession, the Kalah disregards this element. Even if someone is born into a powerful Gemini family, they may be assigned a role that is considered lower in status if it is deemed more suitable for them. The fundamental idea behind the Kalah is that everyone should have a purpose, as believed by the Star Gods.  

The Journey

The Geminis created the Tela’Vem as an answer to the question of how they should cherish the Forge Lord’s creations. The Tela’Vem is a five-year pilgrimage where a selection of Geminis go on to perform different tasks and learn about the world so they can bring that experience back home. What they have to achieve is based on the role selected for them. Some are required to find something valuable, and some to expand their knowledge or improve their craft. The only Geminis chosen for Tela’Vem are the ones with great talent and potential. To be picked for the Tela’Vem is a great honor in Gemini culture. The Tela’Vem is how the Gemini has made many discoveries across the continent. The routes Gemini have walked on their Tela’Vem are now roads that Gemini and other races can use to cross the land.  

The Cycle

The cycle is the stages of life, death, and reincarnation each Gemini experiences. Since a Gemini’s lifespan is so short and they can only experience and do so much, instead of going to an afterlife, the Star God Nadir allows Geminis to reincarnate to enjoy different lives with unique experiences.  

The Luminary

Luminaries in Gemini culture are Geminis that have received the title of Luminary for their achievements in Gemini society. They are the elite and represent Gemini excellence. These Gemini are usually the leaders in their particular field.  

The Pillars

In Gemini society, the Pillars are a group of Luminaries who hold the power to direct and govern society. Each Pillar represents a specific foundation of the Gemini society and plays a crucial role in its functioning.  

The Eternal

From the time of Pollus and Proxima to the modern era, each Gemini born has a spark of godhood inside them. The Star Gods gave them the potential to birth new Star Gods to join the heavens with them. The Eternal is the greatest Gemini, the pinnacle of what the race can achieve. A Gemini can only become an Eternal after fulfilling their true potential and being recognized by the gods. After becoming an Eternal, the Gemini must go on ultimate Tela’Vem to learn everything about the world until they are ready to ascend and become the herald of a Star God before joining them as part of the Pantheon. Only two Gemini in history has become Eternals.  


Magic is a cornerstone of Gemini society and culture. Geminis see magic as a tool akin to technology to achieve scientific, mechanical, and creative pursuits. Every Gemini can use magic, and their magical prowess makes the Geminis one of the most advanced races on Wantan. Geminis do not value arcane or divine magic above the other and find both equally important.  


Geminis speak a form of celestial called low celestial based on the dumbed-down language the Star Gods introduced to the original Geminis so they could communicate with mortals. It is still a complex language and very expressive.  


Thanks to the Kalah, Geminis work in many occupations in their nation and abroad.  


The Geminis worship the Star Gods and have temples across the land dedicated to them. Based on their role in society, a Gemini focus more on worshipping a single god over the whole pantheon. It is rare for a Gemini to worship a different god other than their own. The only God that doesn’t have temples outwardly dedicated to them is Corvus. Geminis don’t stop other races from worshipping their gods and are happy to teach other races about their gods if they align with their values.  

Gemini Diversity

  Gemini diversity is mostly culturally based and not based on ethnic or physical differences. Sometimes a role a Gemini enters is its own culture, or Geminis can be born with a completely different or alien mental state compared to their peers, usually due to a quirk of their birth or because they align too closely to one of the Star Gods of the pantheon.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Gemini are people made from flesh and celestial matter, molded to be based on the image of Polaris and Stella, two of their creator gods. Compared to other races, they have a humanoid appearance similar to Humans and Elves. Their physical characteristics consist of hair with a soft silken texture that possesses a slight luminescence. Their skin is soft and radiates a pearly luster. The coloration of Gemini hair and skin vary widely and can come in unique shades and tones.They have oval shaped eyes with jewel-toned pupils that have a single shade of color. Their eyes also possess a star mark, a unique birthmark all Gemini have. It is a twinkling set of lights that form a random pattern in their eyes that can appear at will or during heightened emotional states.   Gemini only live a maximum of 40 years. They instinctively know how old they are and when they are on the verge of death unless they die from unnatural causes. Gemini hit physical and mental maturity at the age of ten and then cease aging, staying in their prime until they die. Gemini are capable of ascending past their natural lifespan through either magic or by the blessings of their gods by achieving a great feat.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gemini Infancy: 3 months   Gemini early childhood: 3 months to 6 months   Gemini childhood: 6 months to 2 years   Gemini Puberty: 2 years to 5 years   Gemini Adolescence: 5 years to 10 years   Gemini Adulthood: 10 years to 40 years

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gemini name themselves predominantly after stars or constellations.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gemini have only been in the wider world for a thousand years and have mostly interacted with the Elves and the Goblinoids. They have great respect for the High Elves' power and dominion but find their arrogant natures off putting, they believe the Forest Elves obsession with living in nature to be a disservice to what they are capable of even though they respect and enjoy their mysticism and bond with the natural world. The Gemini favor the Terra Elves the most, impressed by their ingenuity and technology. They overall have poor relations with the Goblinoids, wary of their violent and unrefined natures. Early in Gemini history, they were attacked and nearly destroyed by demons and have come to hate them.
Scientific Name
Celestial Saipan
Star Gods
40 years Maximum
Average Height


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