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The Unaligned / Independents

Gods that have no affiliation to a pantheon, or otherwise operate within multiple pantheons or do not have strong affiliations. To maintain their strength the followers of these gods are often numerous, or they have functions within the world that do not require a strong mortal following to begin with.  

Monir, Soverign of Angels

    Title(s): King of Angels, Highest of Solar, Protector of the Asemar, Terror of the Abyss   Alignment: Lawful Good   Symbol: Glowing Wings   Gender: Neuter (Manifests as male)   Plane of Operations: Positive Energy Plane, Crystal city   Domain: Light, Good, Divine, Resurrection   Favored Weapon: Longsword   Affiliation: Fundamentalist, Pro Forge Lord   Monir was at one point the personal herald of the Ionad Iya, representing and overseeing the positive energy plane and maintaining its stability in the great cycle, a position he took great pride and revealed in. While not the first of angels, his power and status within the positive energy plane gave him a great deal more power and capability then others of his kind. Even though he wielded this great power, however, he was oftentimes looked down upon by other gods, finding his demands made up on the gods to be only heeded due to his connection to his creator Iya.   This changed upon the divine war, and the slaying of the Fire Elemental King, Ithax. Monir found his goddess distraught, disappearing from the world as Abbadon ran his crusade. Left with no other cause but his own, Monir took up arms, rising up rebellion after rebellion within the fallen gods' angelic ranks. The Angels of the world did battle with the first abyssal creations, the Infernians, leaving a bitter hatred that remains to this day, with Monir heading each charge.   At the end of Abbadon’s Rebellion, Iya used her position to elevate Monir to a deity, making him sovereign protector of the positive energy plane, and High General of all of the Angelic hosts, no matter what god holds their loyalty. In the divine war, he often took up arms against those gods, misusing the angels within their ranks, liberating them into his own growing host. At the end of the war, the majority of angels ended up following his heraldry. While most gods still use Angels as servants and their voices to the mortal plane, the bulk of all angels often take their orders from Monir themselves, who ensures not only is the spirit of the Divine Law followed, but the gods would never risk the world or angel kind ever again in their desire to control creation.  

Edo, The Eternal Sentinel

  Title(s): The Eternal Sentinel, The Unbreakable Guard, The Last Bastion, Old Stony   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Symbol: Full helm with a greatsword behind it.   Gender: Neuter   Plane of Operations: The Etherium Prison   Domain: Fortifications, Isolation, Strength, Protection   Favored Weapon: Greatsword   Affiliation: Fundamentalist, Pro Forge Lord   Edo was formed during a period of expansion by the Forge Lord, formed to serve under Shadi, Orion and Dìonadair as part of the defense and purging of the aberrations of the sphere. Of the four of these gods, Edo did not possess the great magical capabilities of Orion, the absolute destructive potential of Shadi, or the Precision of Dìonadair.   But what Edo did possess was absolute strength and endurance, and a gaze wide and reaching. Only Shadi was said to have a stronger hide, and only Sirius had eyes keener. Edo wielded magics that protected the others from the great horrors and took blows where he could not outright defect.   Edo is a humorless god, oftentimes finding very little in common with other gods and their whims of creation. But even among the fellow protectors, he found very little in common with them. Edo found fault in many creative applications, seeing only where things could be breached or at risk. His creative insights were only towards how to improve protective fortifications, and in particular his masterworks were the Night Beacons, massive fortifications built as an early warning system of aberrations that would warn if someone breached the precipice barrier.   Worse was his attitude with Shadi. Seeing the horrors constantly assailing them, Edo found no pity or remorse for the Aberrations, trusting in the Forge Lords designs. Even among the more remorseful entities, Edo always sided with the Forge Lords judgements. To say he did not love care for Shadi was perhaps incorrect, but their arguments often devolved into one sided shouting matches, with Shadi eventually not speaking with him as time went on and her mood soured further.   When the rebellion came, Edo still appeared shocked by Shadi’s actions. He stood against her, lasting longer than any god in combat with her. He displayed a untowards fury towards her, but also hesitation in battling his comrade. Strong though he was, his hesitation cost him, as Shadi dealt him massive blows. It was only due to his otherworldly durability that there was anything left of him, and even then, there was barely anything left of the god when the Forge Lords found him. Edo was reforged, but seemed different, remorseful and somber. He distanced himself further, and instead, requested to stand vigil for the Etherium prison, its warden eternal.   There Edo has been since, never once breaking his watch. Through invasion and war, Edo has remained, battling those that would seek to free the Goddess that brought him low. His form is littered with slashes, arrows, rent, cuts and smoldering wounds. It is a testament to his power and observational skills that the Etherium prison was unbroken during the Revolution of Abaddon, the Divine War, and all sorts of unseen, and unheard wars and assaults upon the prison. Few his followers may be, but oaths made in his name are often unbreakable, as there are none more determined to upholding the ones vow.    

Cassiopeiae, The Star of Madness

  Title(s): The Fallen Apprentice, The False Star, The Soul Eater, the Bane of Sailors   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Symbol: A constellation that does not exist (Image changes and is only recognizable to followers)   Gender: Female   Plane of Operations: The Cold Beyond   Domain: Madness, Insanity, Exploration, Stars,   Favored Weapon:   Cas was a younger god that was created to assist Stella in her exploration. A student of hers for many years, her youthful vigor matched Stellas in her drive to expand and allow more and more of the Sphere to be developed. One day, by her own brashness, she took off into the darkness. Stella only realized she had gone after a few days, her own wanderings and whims making her lighty to such an event. She took off to find her student, locating her after a few days…but found her injured and terrified, hiding from something in the dark. The Youthful optimism vanished after that point, but a fire in her eyes still remained.   The Revolution of Abaddon however, changed things for the young goddess. While she originally did not side with Abbadon, upon his return, refurged by his manipulations of the flame, his offers, his abilities, provided a temptation. One day, surprising even the Lord of the Falls, cas appeared before them. Cas swore to serve Abbaddon, asking only to be reforged with durability and strength enough to be able to survive in the Cold Beyond.   Knowing all of Stella's pathways threw the universe, Cas led assault after assault against the loyalist forces, driving their forces back. Stella however, was still a master of pathfinding, and knowing her apprentice's obsession with proving herself, goaded the naive follower out threw passages only Stella knew. The rouge goddess found herself in an ambush, facing down Orion, Stella, Sirius and Hamal, who defeated her forces and threw her past the precipice barrier. Hamal then added to the barriers enchantments, barring her from reentering the sphere.   To all other gods, this would have been their doom, destined to break apart threw the shear entropic forces beyond where no god could survive. Cas’ fate was thought as such as well, and eventually her attempts to return ceased, and Stella thought her student dead, much to her shame.   Then, one day, her cartographers charted an unknown star in the sky, one that vanished before it could be cataloged. It appeared again and again, and many angel and outsiders began to vanish. Stella ventured outwards to find the source of the star.   She returned saying that she had found Cas, but what was there was not her apprentice. She warned that no one was to look at the star, and if any were to find it to tell her immediately. Thus began Stella’s hunt for the Forbidden Star, to end her soul stealing apprentice.   To this day the star of madness occasionally appears, and those that fall under its baleful light find their souls captured, falling beyond the grace and warmth of the primordial flame. What happens to them no one knows, but what is known is that the star of madness seems to grow stronger year by year, its lure more hypnotic, and dangerous to the unprepared mortals that gaze upon it.


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