Alvina Katz

Alvina Katz

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Vi was found abandoned in the woods by an organized band of traveling assasins. Raised among thieves and assasins, she learned how to survive through cunning and quick wits. The leader of the group, (leader name) took a special interest in Vi, and trained her as his protege. Despite her upbringing in a world filled with danger and deceit, Vi clung steadfastly to her own moral compass. Her chaotic nature drove her to seek freedom, relishing in the thrill of living on the edge. As she grew older, Vi's reputation as a skilled rogue spread. Throughout this time, (leaders name) constantly reminded her of the debt he was owed for her skills and her life. With each passing adventure, Vi honed her skills as master assasin and grew her reputation for both her skills and her strict moral code. As time went on, Vi slowly realized that (leader's name)'s moral compass did not align with her own. For this reason, she decided that she wanted to split from the group. At 89, she went through the settling period so that she could travel to the mortal plane and keep her immortality. She stayed with the group during this time for protection. After regaing her full strength, Vi told (leader name) of her plans to travel to the mortal plane. While unhappy, he gave his blessing and reminded her of the debt that she owed. Post entering mortal plan history CONTINUE

Gender Identity





Vi studied music, poisons, and literature extensively. Mostly private tutoring and learning herself.


Money for some of her position as an assasin. She made less as soon as she was out of (leader's name)'s control, as she began vetting all potential jobs and only took those that fit her moral compass.

Mental Trauma

Parents died when she was very young (leaders name)'s training was abusive in many ways

Personality Characteristics


Pay off debts Avenge something? Positively improve the world according to her morals? Gain knowledge

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with weapons (specifically...) Good at writing Good with hand to hand combat Bad with making genuine connections

Likes & Dislikes

Likes reading Dislikes cooking

Virtues & Personality perks

Keen hearing and sight Attentive Courage Creativity Resilience Loyal

Vices & Personality flaws

Arrogant Vane Vengeful Skeptical Insensitive


Well maintained hygeine Vanity causes a lot of focus on her appearance


Contacts & Relations

Assasin group leader

Family Ties

Little knowledge of family ties

Religious Views

Follows Gaia and no other dieties (I'll have to look into this more but it's what I have generally found about Fae so far)

Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Material Plane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
180 lbs
Known Languages
Thieves Cant Common Sylvan


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