Lorelei Nalara

Lorelei Nalara

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

She has a back tattoo of a stag with an eagles wing span spread out

Identifying Characteristics

her silver hair and verdant green eyes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lorelei grew up with her mother Ariel. Her mother was the next in line to be the matriarch of the Enclave of Setzuna a small but powerful community of High Elves. Lorelei's grandfather, Patri Lander, entreated with the Azure Grove to join their communities with the Patriarchs second son. Eradin Nalara, a wood elf. It's called the azure grove because the grapes become a vibrant blue color when they are ready to harvest.   An early childhood memory places her father and her near a river bank where he taught her to love nature and listen to the Oak Father's call. She has felt a close connect to Silvanus since.   Her mother and Father divorced when she was a child of two and ten years old. Where her father vanished without a trace.   Truth be told Lorelei wanted to be a singer or a bard when she was a child. She used to be terribly afraid of heights as a child but now she's afraid that she may never find out what happened to her father.   Lorelei's goal is to find her father and finally learn the truth behind his disappearance and the divorce. Otherwise she is quite happy with her shop in the city and doing any research requests the Librarians request of her.

Gender Identity



Lorelei is pansexual


At the age of 50, her mother fianlly let her reins go so that Lorelei could explore and build up her youth. She moved to the closest city and opened a Floral Shop called, "The Oak Father's Embrace" to get in contact with her father's enclave "The Azure Grove" to determine his whereabouts.   The brothel owner in town is quite fond of Lorelei and her little foral cafe. Kylia used to be a slave for the Lolth drows in the underdark before she was sold as a courtisan. She's worked herself up to be the head mistress of a few popular brothels in town. The Rusty Flagpole, The Pink Pearl & The Massive Oak. Which is, Lorelei found out later, that many people believe her cafe is a brothel as well. Not for Kylia's lack of trying of course. However, Lorelei's shop is under her protection.   The only competition or rivalry Lorelei has is other alchemists or healers in the area. Since Lorelei charges a pittance for healing, many 'healers' have tried to put her out of business but somehow she remains untouched and Lorelei continues her business without incident and they don't seem to bother her again.

Mental Trauma

The last day she ever saw her father was the day she nearly died. The memory is hazy but he gave her the circlet of silvanus before leaving for a hunt. It was late and although she knew better, she went to find him. Her childish mind seemed to play tricks on her at this point because she can never tell if it was a nightmare or reality but a shadow with her fathers face flashed before her and then nothing. She awoke the next morning in a pool of black liquid before she returned to her worried mother who told her of the news of their divorce mere days after the encounter.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She has an irrational dislike of Mystra, the goddess of the Weave. Something about her statues or presence at churches just irk Lorelei and she gets annoyed at the wizarding college nearby. However, she is obsessed with anything lemon flavored and can be easily bribed with lemon cakes.

Vices & Personality flaws

She spaces out from time to time and will ask people to repeat themselves often.

Personality Quirks

When Lorelei is deep in thought she purses her lips and her ears twitch erradically.


Contacts & Relations

Candy - Brothel owner Eradin- missing father Ariel- Mother Rohan - Step Father Silvyr - 75 year old brother Basil - 62 year old sister Tyrion - 59 year old brother Estel & Ethel - twin sisters at age 45 Camilla - Vampire leader Atticus - Camilla's husband Malakai - Lorelei's childhood friend

Religious Views

Lorelei has a deep connection with Silvanus the god of wild nature.

Social Aptitude

Lorelei is friendly and welcoming. She can be awkward from time to time due to loss of words. She tries to stay polite but will tell someone off if they cross a line. Lorelei often tries to sensor her words to be gentle but when she is angry or drunk those filters are gone.

Hobbies & Pets

eagle familiar whose name is Ubek

Wealth & Financial state

Her family is extremely wealthy and is the matriarch of the grove. Lorelei is mid on her own but not suffering for cash.

An averagely beautiful wood/high elf with silver white hair and olive freckled skin. She's a zealous druid that devotes her craft and life to Silvanus. Lorelei values all life and treats it preciously, but can be a brat some of the time.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Lorelei or Inheritor of the Azure Grove.
Date of Birth
The Winter Solstice
The Azure Grove
Current Residence
Verdant Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness for these hands can take life as easily as it can give it.


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