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Session 28: Faeryn's Return Report

General Summary

Virion casts Banishment on the enemy demon, immediately banishing the demon. This drops Hold Person on Fishcod. Fishcod curses, and immediately brings up a glaive out of nowhere. Uk-thin runs forward and leaps up onto the table, launching Faeryn out the fucking window. They then threaten Eva. Bubbles follows up by launching their Javelin of Lightning out the window, missing. Bubbles then draws their Wavecutter Blade and leaps out the window, landing on Fishcod. Bubbles then misses their second attack.

Faeryn retaliates with a legendary action to attack with their glaive, wreathed in green fire. Mystan then runs back to heal Virion, and Eva fires at Uk-thin. Eva then begins climbing out the window.

Fishcod tries to get out from underneath Bubbles, failing, and stabs them once anyways. The turn returns to Virion, who activates his bladesong and dashes up to the ladder and runs over to the crenelations, looking down at Eva climbing down the wall and Bubbles atop Faeryn.

Uk-thin then attempts to cast Vortex Warp to bring Faeryn into the building, failing. They then leap out the window, and thanks to Virion's Feather Fall stands atop Bubbles, and in turn atop Fishcod. They then step off of them. Fishcod then retaliates by stabbing Bubbles with a legendary Green-Flame Blade, having the fire leap to Uk-thin.

After this, Bubbles - who at this point is quite hurt - uses Second Wind to recover some hp, and tries to attack Fishcod and critically hits them, giving them a limp. Bubbles then rips Eva off the wall and moves away. Fishcod tries to use a legendary action to launch fire at Bubbles and Virion, missing both. Mystan decides to cast Blindness on Fishcod (who succeeds) and Eva (who fails). He then leaps out the window, and lands... also prone.

Fishcod looks to the ball of fire, looks to Eva, looks to the ball of fire, and looks to Eva. They use a legendary action to stab Eva, killing her, and having the fire the leap to Bubbles. They then stand up and move over Bubbles, incurring a War Caster Opportunity attack, which hits. Faeryn tries to take the decanter from Eva's corpse, but Bubbles stops them. They then use Misty Step to teleport away, and they limp further away, heading towards the hill.

Virion casts Fireball, but because he cannot see where Faeryn is, he misses them. Uk-thin chases after, fails once more with Vortex Warp - prompting Virion to realize he missed, and Faeryn saying it was a good try - and they then chase after the warlock.

Faeryn then uses a legendary action to swap from a glaive to a longbow. Bubbles then grabs the decanter off of Eva's corpse, moves forward, drops their sword, and shoots at Fishcod with their bow. They hit, do not disarm Faeryn, and deal a good bit of damage. They then shoot again, and this time they disarm them. Faeryn's longbow is now at their feet. Faeryn is barely still up. They try to Firey Blast Uk-thin and Bubbles, but miss both, bits of grass catch on fire and go out with the rain.

Mystan then runs up, and despite Faeryn's attempts to sow discord by implicating Virion. Mystan says "The time for talking is over" and casts fourth level Spiritual Weapon and immediately knocks Faeryn unconcious, shouting to Virion that Fishcod is unconcious.

Uk-thin, convinced that Virion is a turncoat, casts Vortex Warp to bring Virion up to Uk-thin. Virion fails, and falls to the ground. Uk-thin puts a boot on Virion and points a gun at him. Captain Fireborn comes up and demands the meaning of this.

After some Zone of Truth and communication, suspicions of Virion are cleared and Fishcod is taken into custody. Gellan Primewater is hanged. In the following two weeks, Bubbles carouses at the Snapping Line and visits the Primewaters, Virion campaigns, Uk-thin speaks out against Virion and researches the Tower of Zenepous, while Mystan helps interrogate Fishcod.

Finally, the 56th of Silver comes, and Lankus comes in last with 21.7% of the vote. Virion comes in second with 31.1% of the vote, and Maria earns 37.2%, winning the next seat.
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Uk-thin Rolsar
Lawful Good Gensai (Guild Artisan)
artificer 4
31 / 31 HP
Virion Sylvenne
C/N Wood Elf (Noble)
Wizard 2
7 / 12 HP
Co'oquilan Mystan
Bronze Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Cleric 3
10 / 24 HP
Report Date
24 Oct 2022

Cover image: Brightfalls_14.06 by Krivio
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