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Treetop Tavern

The Treetop Tavern comes from Eldermancy's The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns by Logan Reese.
Created by the Silverstand Elves to watch over the Silverstream River's northwestern entrance into the Silverstand forest, the Treetop Tavern has become a renowned resutrant and place to stay outside the Tip'-sokoo'-sagh Tribe's village.

The tavern is entirely built within the boughs of tall trees overlooking the river, and is accessible via lift and several ziplines. Owned and operated by members of the Kullstick-yak'-so (Oakenlock) house, the tavern attracts Jan Pana and Keoish peoples alike.

General Information

Purpose / Function

The Treetop Tavern was constructed to watch over the Silverstream's entrance to the Silverstand, as well as to provide food and lodging to travelers.


Elven magic and littlefolk craftsmanship has created a canopy-spanning structure of living wood, pulley systems, and thatch rooves. Much of the tavern's structure and furniture are alive.


Beyond it's treetop location, the tavern is protected by a half-elf half-orc bouncer, Greeba the Green. In addition, both of the Oakenlocks are powerful land druids.


Constructed by littlefolk hired by Al'-kie and Gwyn-yn Kullstick-yak'-so, aka Al'-kie and Gwyn-yn Oakenlock, after the signing of the Wild Flame Pact in 137 IA, the Treetop Tavern has attracted workers from both the local Silverstand Elves, the Jan Pana of the surrounding region, and a few easterners who traveled or were descended from slaves. Customers ranged even wider, including human and dwarven imperial colonists.
Tip'-sokoo'-sagh roughly translates to Leaves of the Sky in Chinook Jargon.
Founding Date
137 IA
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Tavern Staff

Gwyn-yn Kullstick-yak'-so

Gwyn-yn Kullstick-yak'-so, or Gwyn-yn Oakenlock, is one of the Salmon Moiety's most powerful druids - and by far the Oakenlock's most powerful. Very hands on, the druidess is very involved in her tavern's kitchen and brewery. She believes alcohol is the only good thing the Empire brought with them.

Al'-kie Kullstick-yak'-so

A powerful wood elf Circle of the Land druid and prominent member of the Kullstick-yak'-so House (or Oakenlock House) of the Salmon Moiety, Al'-kie is studious druidic tavern owner tends to dress very formally, and has quite the collection of Jan Pana artwork, both Littlefolk and Elven.

Greeba the Green

The daughter of an elven weaver and orcish freedman, Greeba is the tavern's bouncer and never really fit in anywhere until she came to the Treetop Tavern. Her earth-toned armor and green skin lets her blend into the tavern well, which comes in handy when dealing with rowdy patrons, whom she has a penchant for defenestrating.

Poziver Dench

A Littlefolk beekeeper, Poziver is extremely nearsighted. As such, he requires goggles manufactured by Tamm Torgin. He is the mastermind behind the tavern's lovely Honey Mead, which is made from the honey of his bees' hives.

Nomis Copperbottom

Another littlefolk, Nomis is in charge of both the stables and rookery. A lover of animals, Mr. Copperbottom has been working on breeding a dwarf hippogriff for Littlefolks to mount.


While typically taking the appearance of a Pallid Elf with vibrant green hair, Sylla is actually a dryad and is the spirit of the tree itself. The bartender and mixer for the tavern, Sylla is quite amicable - provided patrons follow the rules.

Seasonal Operation

Due to the effects of Ringshadow, the Treetop Tavern is only in operation during the summer months. While much of the Silverstand does stay behind in winter to work with Burle such cannot be said of the Treetop Tavern staff, all of whom venture into the Spirit Realm during winter - except for Sylla, who simply hibernates within the tree.

Cover image: Brightfalls_14.06 by Krivio
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