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An alba who worked for the Court of Misfts. They were betrayed and slain on the front lines of the latest Techno-War during Operation: Starfall

Physical Description

Body Features

Being made of acidic jelly, Abla's body was burning to touch. They utilized this factor in their fighting style, blasting their enemies from a distance with acid, then swiftly pummeling them when they tried to close the distance.

Facial Features

Like all alba, Abla lacked any facial features whatsoever.

Special abilities

Abla was an Earthshaker, a geomancer, although their power mostly came from creating and manipulating acid. They were able to generate acidic blasts and even create acid inside of a creatures lungs.

Specialized Equipment

Abla lacked any weapons, preferring to utilize their fists and acidic blasts for combat. They often donned some magical gear that aided in their physical movements, and power, as well as a hat that could disguise them as a human child should the need for stealth arise.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spawned in the technologically advanced city of Nenu-Lan, Abla longed to experience the world like the other races did, lamenting their species blindness and weakness to liquid. Advocating for alban rights, they made little progress until the founding of the Court of Misfits guild. Recruited by Kerum Zil, they became one of the guilds first new recruits, and help them quell gang activity in the city slums. Abla would be promoted to King to the Toxic Combine, acting as the Court's official ambassador, and with their backing, was able to finally advocate for the rights of the alba. They would be crucial in aiding another minor guild, made up entirely of albas, the Albanic Legion, to get a seat at the table. Once the Tech-war began, Abla would fight on the front lines, leading the Albanic Legion against the invaders. Unfortunately, like most of the Guild, they were slain by rogue droids once Operation: Starfall was enacted.

Gender Identity

Like most Alba, Abla lacked a concepted of gender, instead refering to themself as "This One".


Abla worked with the Albanic Legion but was unsatisfied with the poor results achieved by the undisciplined Alba. They would then seek out the help of others, becoming one of the first to join the new guild, the Court of Misfits. They would prove an invaluable fighter and was eventually appointed as an ambassador to another guild who often interacted with the Alba, the Toxic Combine.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While they were never able to meet thier goals in modifying the Alba to the extent of the other tech races, Abla did make great strives in fighting for the rights of the alba inside the city of Nenu-lan.

Failures & Embarrassments

Abla was ultimately unsuccessful in their goal of uplifting the Alba.

Intellectual Characteristics

Like all alba, Abla struggled greatly with mental tasks, but Abla was a rare alba who recognized their own lack of mental acuity, and constantly attempted to better themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Abla's main goal was to find a way for the Alba people to overcoming their shortcomings; mainly their blindness, their weakness to liquid, and their sluggish minds.

Representation & Legacy

Abla was remembered as one of the greatest advocates of the Alba-kind. They were marytered by the Albanic Legion, although many fear the short memories of the Alba will slowly cause their message to become lost and distorted over time.



Like all alba, Abla could only speak through gestures and dances rather than speech.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King to the Toxic Combine
Date of Birth
11th of Matra, 4,084 A.C.
Date of Death
4th of Ixa, 4,100 AC
4084 4100 16 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Slain during Operation: Starfall
Place of Death
They / Them
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
38 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Alban Sign Language, Maran Common. Like all Alba, Abla lacked the ability to vocalize, something that frustrated them to no end.


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