Achapin Species in Matera | World Anvil
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Achapin (Ahch-uh-pin / Ahch-uh-pie)

Diminutive fey that dwell in ancient places, the Achapin are shy creatures who rarely reveal themselves to others. Lacking hands, the Achapi utilize psychic powers to manipulate their environment.

Basic Information


The achapin appear as small-child like faeries with small attenna. Instead of hands, their arms simply end in little stubs. They often but not always have small decorative wings; these wings are rarely able to give actual flight, but with enough training, some Achapi can learn to fly.

Growth Rate & Stages

The achapi grow extremely quickly, becoming moblie in just 1 month after birth, and reaching adulthood shortly after 1 year. They remain in their adult stage for around 10 years, before they then begin to age rather rapidly, usually dying by 25 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The achapin dwell in the warm and bright forests of Usoram. They prefer overgrown areas, where they can easily hide from predators and construct their Haksits.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The achapin subside mostly on small nuts, fruit, and other plants that are easily harvested from the great primal trees of the Wild Area.


Due to their miniscule size, the achapin are easy prey to many beast of the Wild Area. This leads to them becoming incredibly timid, hiding away in their burrows whenever a threat comes near. Tribes will often enter the service of a strong fey in the area, acting as scouts and spies for it in exchange for protection from other threats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Due to their fearful natures, the Achapin are almost always found in packs, known as flutters. These flutters are incredibly close-knit. The group leader changes each day, with each flutter having their own unique methods for deciding. These methods vary widely, with some more ordered methods, such as taking turns in order of color, with others more nonsensical, such as basing it on the order that the mornings dew drops fell.


Many fey utilize the Achapi as scouts and spies, offering them protection and safety. Some Edaan, Elves, and Gnomes will often also "adopt" an achapin as a pet, servant or familiar.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Achapi dwell in the tumultuous Feywilds or the Wild Area that cover the western half of Usoram, but some also dwell in the enchanted forest of Levex-Caesin to the south.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like most fey, the achapi can see farther in lower light conditions, but they lack any ability to see in the dark. Due to their timid nature and their natural habitat being the eternal light of Usoram, the Achapi are fearful of darkness, often refusing to enter shadowed areas.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

The achapi are gender-neutral, lacking much in the way of any sort of gender ideals or concepts. Most achapi have an androgenous appearance and structure their socities off of things other species would consider strange or nonsensical.

Relationship Ideals

Due to their timidity, an achapin struggles greatly to make any sort of relationship outside of their flutter.

Average Technological Level

The achapi usually dwell in large, hollowed out tree stumps known as Haksits. Sikan children who play in the woods often make their own Haksits, as it is believed that if an achapi flutter finds it to their liking, they will move in and bless that Sikan's family with good luck.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The achapin speak Sylvan, rarely learning to speak other languages, prefering to hide instead of interact. Those that do pick up other dialects often learn Usan Common, Elven, Giant, or Tengu.

Common Etiquette Rules

It is common when travelling into achapi territory or near thier Haksits to lay out a small bowl of milk, preferably warm, to signal to them that you mean them no harm. The achapi love this milk, and it is said that they dip the morning dew that they harvest into the bowls.

Common Dress Code

The achapi wear simply dresses created out of fallen leaves and moss. They sometimes carve out the tops of acorns to make simple hats.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that the achapi were created when the first of the early ancient trees were cut down by moral life, the achapi emerged from the cracks in those trees and fled into the forests.   The achapi have no religious figures, instead venerating the natural world as it is, usually aligning them with the Green Order. They can also be found worshiping the members of the Fey Soverigns, the group of the oldest and most powerful of the Fey.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The achapin are fearful of most other races, and thus have little in the way of relations with them. However, their lack of aggression and small stature means that they are not considered threats, and thus are mostly ignored. Races that have a strong connection to nature, such as elves and gnomes, have an easier time connecting with the achapi. Races that a large and more intimidating, such as Half-Orcs and Half-Giants, have little to no chance of befriending them, as they will usually flee on sight of such creatures. The only race the the achapi truly can easily befriend are the Lyr-Kel, as they share their small size, love of nature, and playful attitude.

Racial Table - Achapin: Hit Dice: D6; Class Skills: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Stealth; Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier; Weapon Proficiency: None; Armor Proficiency: None
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Fingerless, Natural Healer, Limited Telekinisis
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Spell Resistance
3rd +1 +1 +3 +3 Projectile Offense
4th +2 +1 +4 +4 Spell Resistance Increase, +1 Dextertiy, +1 Wisdom
5th +2 +1 +4 +4 Transfer Spell Resistance

Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
1 year +1d4 years (2 - 5) +1d6 years (2 - 7) +1d8 years (2 - 9)
1This category includes armigers, barbarians, bloodragers, iimbuers, kineticists, leaches, oracles, psychics, ravelers, realmstriders, rogues, sorcerers, and spiritualists   2This category includes antipaladins, arcanist, armorsmiths, bards, brawler, cavaliers, fighters, gamblers, gunslingers, hunters, mediums, mesmerist, paladins, pantheists, rangers, samurai, shamans, skalds, slayers, spellthiefs, summoners, swashbucklers, tricksters, vigilantes, wardens, weaponsmiths, and witches.   3This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, explorers, inquisitors, investigators, jewelers, magi, monks, mortalists, ninjas, occultists, painters, travelers, tinkerers, warpriests, wizards and zealots.  
Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
1 ft. 3 in. +1d8 in. (1 ft. 4 in. - 2 ft. 1 in.) 3 lbs. +(1d8 lbs.) (4 - 11 lbs.)

Achapin Aging Table
Middle Age (-1 to Str, Dex, and Con, +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Old (-2 to Str, Dex, and Con, +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Venerable (-3 to Str, Dex, and Con, +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Maximum Age (GM secretly decides maximum age)
10 years 15 years 20 years + 1d6 years (21 - 26 years)

Random Achapin Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-50 Primal Forest Wild Shadow
51-84 Fey Burrow Fey-Wise
85-95 Remote Town or Village Town Gossip
96-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)

Random Achapin Families
% Rolled Parental Status
01-50 Both of your parents are dead
51-70 Both of your parents are alive
71-90 Only Father is alive
91-00 Only Mother is alive
Random Achapin Siblings
% Rolled # of Siblings
01-70 1d4+1 Siblings
71-90 1d3 Sibling
91-00 No siblings
10 - 20 years
Average Physique
Due to their small and lean stature, the achapin are frail and easily harmed. Thier lack of fingers mean they cannot easily lift objects, instead relaying on their psychic abilities. These means they often neglect their physical health.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The achapi can come in many diverse colors, usually on the lighter scale, such as yellows, oranges, greens, and lighter blues. Occasionally, some are born with darker colors, such as reds, purples, and dark greens. Such achapin are view by the others with great mystique and caution.
Geographic Distribution


Type Fey
Ability Score Modifier +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma; Achapi are fast and perceptive, but phyiscaly frail and timid.
Size small
Speed 40 feet
Language The Achapin begin play speaking only Slyvan. An achapi with a high Intelligence score can pick from any of the following languages: Common (Usan), Elven, Giant, and Tengu.

  • Tiny Sized: The Achapin are tiny sized creatures: Tiny races gain a +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. Tiny characters take up a space of 2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet, so up to four of these characters can fit into a single square. Tiny races typically have a natural reach of 0 feet, meaning they can’t reach into adjacent squares. They must enter an opponent’s square to attack it in melee. This provokes an attack of opportunity from the opponent. Since they have no natural reach, they do not threaten the squares around them. Other creatures can move through those squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. Tiny creatures typically cannot flank an enemy.
  • Materil: The Achapin are intrinsically tied to the Light Materil, and must become Lightbenders
  • Low-Light Vision: An Achapin can see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions.
  • Fingerless: The Achapi lack hands, with arms ending in stubs. This means that they cannot hold items normally or utilize things that require them to use thier hands. The Achapi arm-stubs are still capable of providing the somatic components to spells. An achapin treats a ring slot item as a wrist slot item instead.
  • Natural Healer: An Achapin gains a +4 racial bonus on Heal checks, and treat their caster level as 2 higher whenever they cast a spell with the (healing) descriptor. This bonus on Heal checks increase by 1 for every 2 hit dice the Achapin possess beyond the first. An Achapin with a Wisdom score of 15 or higher can cast Cure Light Wounds once per day as a spell-like ability.
  • Limited Telekinesis: Due to their lack of hands, the Achapi have developed telekinisis to move objects. They gain Mage Hand as an at-will spell like ability, using their total hit dice as their caster level. An Achapin can utilize this ability on any object, including magical ones and attended items (although the person holding the item may make a Strength check {DC equal to the Mage Hand DC} to negate the movement).
  • Spell Resistance At 2nd Racial Level, an Achapi gains the ability to push off harmful spells. They gain Spell Resistance equal to 6 + their character level. At 4th racial level, they increase this spell resistance to 12 + their character level.
  • Projectile Offense: At 3rd Racial level, the Achapi learn to master their telekentic abilities offensivly. They gain telekentic projectile, save that the damage from the projectile increases by +1d6 for every 3 levels beyond 3rd level the Achapi possess.
  • Transfer Spell Resistance At 5th racial level the Achapin learns to transfer their protective resistance onto others. As a standard action, the Achapin can subtract any amount from their spell resistance and divide it amongst any number of willing creatures within 30 feet. This ability can increase a creatures already exisiting spell resistance, stacking with it, and this ability lasts until the end of the Achapins next turn.

  • Alternate Racial Traits
  • Hideling: Some Achapin are even more adept at hiding than their breathern. Thise Achapin gain the hide in plain sight ability, as long as they are in a natural area, such as a grassy plains or woodsland. This trait replaces the Natural Healer trait.
  • Psychic Savant: Some Achapin's minds are far keener than others at the expense of their bodies. These Achapin gain a +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, -2 Strength, and a -2 Constitution instead of their normal starting scores. An achapin with an Intelligence score of 15 or higher selects a single 1st level spell from the Pyschic spell list, and can cast that spell 1/day as a spell-like ability. This trait replaces the Natural Healer trait and alters the Achapins ability score modifiers.
  • Winged: Some Achapin train thier wings and acheive actual flight. These Achpin gain a Fly speed of 10 feet (and the +8 racial bonus to Fly checks a Fly speed entails.) This trait replaces the Natural Healer trait.

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    Sep 6, 2023 20:47
