Adinos Character in Matera | World Anvil
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Adinos (A-dean-o-s)

The Lord of the Eternal Way

The patron spirit ancestor of the Tribe of the Eternal Way, it is said that Adinos resides inside the souls of all his tribe members, and will eventually be reincarnated as a living god in the mortal realm.

Divine Domains

Adinos holds domain over community, ritual cannibalisms, and natural reincarnation. His followers gain access to the Community, Eternal, and Repose domains.

Holy Books & Codes

The spoken word is valued more over the ability to read for the Tribe, although most members have rudimentary knowledge of written Common. A written poem known as the Musings of Eternity, details the beliefs of the tribe and how one must act when consuming flesh to not stain one's soul. Reciting it word for word from memory is a requirement for a member to be able to leave on a Sojourn.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Adinos'es holy symbol is the Lemniscate, commonly known as the Infinity Symbol

Tenets of Faith

Practicality and survivability are the primary tenants of his faith, as he believes that too much luxury breeds weakness, and all members of society should be strong enough to survive and thrive on their own merits.


The tribe celebrates days of birth and days of death, as they are seen as essential in the Cycle of Eternity, but there are two major days that they celebrate.   The Breaking of the Shackles: Celebrated on 8th of Arda, this is the day that they were led out of Central Matera by Adinos into their new life as tribesmen. Members of the tribe flock to the capital to hold massive feasts and hold competitions of strength between the villages.   The Start of Eternity: Held on the 9th of Kura, this is the day of Adinos'es death and absorption into the cycle. It is a somber day filled with self-reflection and prayer.   The Coming of the Scion: The Soul Charters soon speak of a new day of worship, as the day of Adinos’es rebirth into the mortal world as the Scion of the Eternal Way.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Adinos wanted to free mortals from the rule of divine beings, and to uplift mortality to a place of equal standing of the gods. It is believed that he will soon achieve this first step of his goal; to reborn in the perfect mortal body, a creature known as the Scion of the Eternal Way. From there, he will lead the Tamun to freedom from the tyranny of the other divines.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Adinos's favored weapon is the bow of his own creation, the Eternal Bladebow.


Family Ties

Once being a normal human, Adinos is descended from Eve. He created the first Tamun, and thus all Tamun can trace their lineage back to him.
Divine Classification
Ancestor Spirit
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lord of the Eternal Way
Date of Birth
2888 AC (As a mortal)
Date of Death
9th of Kura, 3008 AC
2888 3008 120 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old age
Place of Death
Quotes & Catchphrases
Due to valuing the spoken word much more than the written, followers of Adinos have many Aphorisms   A Sound Soul Dwells Within a Sound Mind and a Sound Body: This saying, often spoken during training, represents a tribesman's commitment to perfecting their body and mind as a vessel for souls.   I Will Meet You In Eternity: Often said by or to a dying member of the tribe, it is a promise to take one's essence into themselves by consuming their flesh.   I Will Rise Eternal: A threat said to an enemy, usually said when the tribe member is slain, it is a promise of retribution from the rest of the tribe, hopefully carrying the essence of the slain member.   Meat is Meat: Spoken when preparing meals or defending themselves against accusations, they speak this to show how they believe that nothing in nature should be wasted, not even the flesh of the fallen, and it is the soul that matters in the end and not the body.   You Aren’t Even Worth the Taste: An insult implying that a creature is not even worth eating, which is a considerable insult from the very unwasteful tribesman.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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