Aiya Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Aiya (Eye-yah)

Gnomes who never left the primal wilds of Usoram, the ayia are bitter at their cousins for leaving them, and have turned to necromancy and painful poisons to vent their pain onto others. Lacking the wide range of colors of other gnomes, the ayia have a dark blue-grey skin tones, and have large, expressive eyes.


Major language groups and dialects

Ayia gnomes often speak Alka instead of Orcish.

Average technological level

The ayia eschew new technology, viewing it as a blasphemy against the primal beauty that was the ancient world. They instead rely on magic and ancient rites, with the only exception being the crafting of newer and deadly poisons.

Common Dress code

The ayia wear dull grey clothes, often stained with poison drips and blood from necromantic rituals. They often wear long pointed and sinister caps.

Art & Architecture

Ayia build primitive hovels hidden away in the Neinor Hills, often with multiple entrances and exits. An ayia never leaves its family unless banished, and thus these hovels grow overtime into a massive network of extended family homes.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Ayia mothers hold their young for a full 24 hours after their birth, any mother who can't hold their young for that long are viewed as weaklings who deserve to be abandoned by their children.

Coming of Age Rites

Ayias must undergo exposure to their families signature poison when coming of age, as a show of strength and commitment to the Great Mother.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Ayia are often buried in shallow graves underneath the ayias family hovels, so that their body can be easily exhumed to use in necromantic rituals, or raised in the defense of the house.

Common Taboos

The ayia are cruel creatures, often lacking the empathy and kindness of their cousins in other realms. Thus, what is taboo to most gnomes is the norm for ayia, as they often enjoy inflicting pain on others. Family ties is one of the most important thing to the ayia, and those who break family ties often inflicted with powerful curses.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of the ayia worship Axiush, known to them as the Great Mother, the gnomish goddess of Curses and Poison, who is believed to have ascended to godhood solely on her rage of being left behind by her family.


Beauty Ideals

The ayia find beauty in the primal energies of Usoram, and anything not of Usoram is hideous and inferior. They view the strange and colorful skin tones of other gnomes as aberrations, tainted by the impurities of the other realms.

Gender Ideals

Ayias are a matriarchal society, with all beholden to the Great Mother. Men are viewed as untrustworthy, and always much be watched and guided away from the sinful outside world.

Courtship Ideals

Unlike other gnomes, the ayia are strictly monogamous, with marriages often being planned by the matriarchs of two houses. Ayia husbands are expected to be completely subserviently to their wives, with those who resist often doused with a painful but non-lethal poison.

Relationship Ideals

The ayia are extremely protective of their family, with young ayias often forbidding from interacting with anyone outside of their family. Thus, the ayia have close familial bonds, and will often fight to the death to protect their family members.

Major organizations

The ayia are often consulted and hired by the Sika Empire as alchemists and poisoners.

Random Aiya Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-30 Hills or Mountain Anatomist
31-53 Cave Vermin Wrangler
54-74 Primal Forest Unnatural Revenge
75-90 Village or City Gnomish Alchemist 
91-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
An ayia replaces the standard gnome traits of Gnome Magic, Illusion Resistance, and Obsessive with the following traits:   Dread Gnome (Sp): An aiya adds +1 to the DCs of any necromancy spells it casts. An aiya with a Charisma score of 13 or higher gains the following spell-like abilities 1/day each: bleed, chill touch, detect poison, and touch of fatigue. The DCs of these spells are equal to 10 + the spell level + the aiya’s Charisma modifier.   Poisoner: An Aiya gains a +2 racial bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks to make poisons and a +2 racial bonus on saves against poisons. These bonuses increase by 1 for every three hit dice the aiya possesses beyond the first.


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