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Church of the First Union

The religion of Bir-Tarha, the deity of Love and Marriage. It's members are known as Bihas, and often work to premote love, happiness, and acceptance in the world.

Public Agenda

The Church of the First Unions main agenda is to oversee marriages and unions.


In larger cities, the temple of the First Union tend to be large an more opulent buildings, while in more rural areas, they tend to be smaller and more shrine-like areas. In places where marriage is heavily regulated or forbidden between certain castes, shrines are often hidden in clandestine meeting places, such as secret alcoves, under bridges, or hidden in caves just outside of town. Such shrines are often marked by wind chimes or spiral patterned stones.

Divine Origins

The church of the First Union was formed when early mortals where invited to witness the ceremony of Langi and Dunya, and their subsequent viewing of Bir-Tarha's ascension. After the ceremony, many mortals began to emulate the ceremony, and soon love beyond just the desire to procreate bloomed in the world.

Tenets of Faith

Bihas are expected to act with kindness and patience, and resort to violence only as a last resort. Many become healers rather than warriors. Adultery is forbidden in the church, however open, polyamorous, or more unique forms of marriage are allowed, as long as it was part of the original marriage pact.   The holy code of Bir-Tarha is as follows:
  • I will protect those I care about with all my might. I will give people something to believe in.
  • Love is the greatest force in the universe, every action I take will further the amount of love to be had.
  • I will accept that all creatures have a right to live and to express themselves as they choose. I will only step in when that expression threatens the life, love, or expressions of others.
  • I will live my life honestly and openly. I will only lie to protect those under my care.
  • My love is sacred to me, and I will not tarnish it with lies or adultery.
  • I recognize that love is a two-way street. I cannot walk it alone. I must work with my partner to bring out the best of both of us.


Helping others in need is essential to the Church of the Union, as the main goal of the church is to increase love and tolerance in the world. Acts of violation, such as rape and sexual slavery are especially vile to the church, and many areas of the church have such acts punishable by death.


Most worship of Bir-Tarha takes place at weddings, with many commonfolk only offering small prayers for protection at other times. Common daily worship includes sitting on the ground (preferably with a partner), and meditating on the harmony of the universe and the love for your partner (or family, place, or other thing important to you)


Priests of the First Union must be trained in ordaining marriages, as well as gathering funds, both for maintaining temples and shrines and for aiding others who seek refuge at a temple. All priests must have a level of combat training, so that they can protect those under their care if the need arrives. Many also specialize in healing magic, and often will sell their services out to adventurers in exchange for a donation to the church.

Granted Divine Powers

Followers of the First Union are often gifted healing powers and the ability to help soothe tempers and convince onlookers, but more general divine gifts include pleasant and cooling gusts of wind, finding small trinkets on the ground, or a good interaction with a past, present, or future lover.   Those who are most devout gain the ability to summon elementals, gain protection from lighting and acid, increase their healing powers greatly, and move much more swiftly when attempting to protect allies. The greatest boon gifted to followers is the ability to temporarily combine with another creature to take on a larger more powerful form, imitating the form of their deity.   Those who have gained Bir-Tarha's disfavor often find themselves short on breathe, constantly stubbing their toes, or getting into frequent arguments with a loved one.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The church of the First Union as a great deal of influence, although they rarely feel the need to utilize it. Many marriages are not considered legitimate if not officially ordained by a priest of the church. Thus, most rulers or other political figures ensure they are on good terms with the church to ensure they receive such blessings when making political marriages.


The Church of the First Union is split into two main sects, the Left Path and the Right Path.   Those of the Left Path identify more with the Dunya and the earthen aspect of Bir-Tarha, and such Biha's prefer to remain in settlements, acting as the social service aspects of the church; running temples, acting as a marriage consular, and performing ceremonies.   Those of the Right identify more with Langi and the aerial aspect of Bir-Tarha, and such Biha's prefer to wander, acting as aids to adventuring parties, taking on missions to raise funds for the church, and destroyers of those who would defile love.

Love Others; Love Yourself

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members


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