Lumplin Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Lumplin (Lump-linn)

Goblins who are native to the Patch, an area of Skovasil controlled by The Pumpkin King, the embodiment of fall. Lumplins have orange skin and larger heads that resemble pumpkins instead of the standard green skin of normal goblins. Lumplins can spit out hot fire that can burn foes and induce panic attacks.


Shared customary codes and values

Despite their frightening appearance, lumplins are generally less aggressive then other goblins, focusing on scaring and pranking others instead of hurting them, although such pranks often get out of hand and can easily lead to serious injury or death.

Common Dress code

Like most goblins, lumplins care little for what they wear, and often just wear rags woven from vines.

Art & Architecture

While they dwell in the haunted woods of the Patch and have no traditional buildings to speak of, lumplins enjoy carving jack-o-lanterns, and are constantly decorating their territory with their personal carvings.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Even more so than normal goblins, lumplins love to sing, and can almost always be found humming some dark tune.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

While not known to be true, it is rumored that newborn lumplins have their head magically fused with a jack-o-lantern after birth, which gives them their strange pumpkin-shaped heads. When a new lumplin is born, its parents carve a jack-o-lantern with in the shape of the babies face, known as a Personal Lantern, which is then given to the child, who tends to it their entire life.

Coming of Age Rites

A of age lumplin must carve a spectacular pumpkin and present it to be gifted to the Pumpkin King for him to plant in the Patch. Should it be deemed unworthy, the pumpkin is smashed and the lumplin forever banished.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When a lumplin dies, the flame from their Personal Lantern is used to light their funeral pyre, and then the lantern is given to be planted in the Patch. It is believed that from these lanterns, the Pumpkin Kings Jack-o-Lantern servants grow, and the more devout the lumplin, the stronger the animated Jack-O-Lantern.

Common Taboos

Shattering a lumpins Personal Lantern is akin to murder, and is usually punished with death. A lumplin whose personal lantern is shatter often falls into a deep depression, and often stops eating and simply wastes away.

Common Myths and Legends

It is believed in ancient times that Gob, the progenitor of goblins, while roaming the world and attempting mass scale prankful arson tried to burn down The Patch. However, the Pumpkin King saw his attempts, and surrounded his patch with his magic pumpkins. The pumpkins absorbed the fire and spat it back out at him, blasting him far away from Skovasil and become the first Jack-o-Lanterns. Many of Gobs followers found this act absolutely hilarious, and decided to remain in The Patch under the service of the Pumpkin King, eventually becoming the first Lumblins.


Gender Ideals

Like regular goblins, most view female lumplins as only good for breeding, but female lumplins generally have slightly more agency than their normal counterparts.

Courtship Ideals

Many lumplins court each other in the form of prank wars, with escalating attempts at outdoing any other suitors.

Relationship Ideals

Like most goblins, lumplins are feared and misunderstood by other races, and their more fearsome appearance leaves others to assume that they are even worse than regular goblins, when in fact they are often less destructive. However, they still retain the warped sense of goblin humor, and their hijinks often lead to similar consequences.
Encompassed species
A Lumplin replaces the standard goblin traits of Skilled as well as alters their Materil with the following trait:    Fear Breath (Su): 1/day a Lumplin can spit out hot fire in a 5 foot cone that deals 1d4 points of damage, plus an additional 1d4 points of damage for every four hit dice beyond the first the lumplin possesses. Creatures can half the damage with a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the lumplin hit dice + the lumplin's Constitution modifier) but creatures damaged by this fire must also make a Will save (with the same DC) or be shaken for 1 round per 1d4 dice rolled.


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