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Otoro (O-tor-o)

The Lost Boy

The mysterious god of children, many are unsure if he even exists or is just a make-believe story.

Divine Domains

Otoro holds dominion over youth, and thus is "worshipped" by many children. They have minor dominions over exploration, embodying a child's sense of wonder and discovery, as well as trickery and deception.   Divine followers of Otoro gain access to the Chaos, Community, Luck, Travel, and Trickery Domains, as well as the Deception, Exploration, Family, Imagination, Thievery, and Whimsy subdomains.


The agents of Otoro religiously seek out items known as the Tears of Otoro, crystals that are said to be the solidified tears of the mysterious being. When melted into liquid, the tears create a brew that staves off aging, but only for those who are still children. The secret on who to make these concoctions are one of the most closely guarded secrets of the faith.

Holy Books & Codes

Otoro's holy book is disguised as a common, everyplace book, known as the Adventures of Otoro. Many are just simple picture books describing the adventures Otoro has embarked on, but some have secret pages detailing the secrets of the faith and disavowing the lies of adulthood. Age-out agents of Otoro are the ones primarily charged with crafting and distributing such books.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Otoro's holy symbol is a crudely drawn and winking smiley face. Such symbols are often drawn on important places to the faith.

Tenets of Faith

Otoro has few tenets, as the primiary goal of his church is to allow children to extend and enjoy their childhood. However, revealing the secrets of the order to others is strictly forbidden.    Otoro has a very small sect of children who have suffered greatly and have been consumed by their hatred of adults. Most children can't walk this path, but those that do often become antipaladins following this specific code;  
  • I will never allow those outside the faith to live if they learn the truth.
  • Adults can never be trusted. I will manipulate and use them to my needs, but I will never love them.
  • I will use my age to my advantage. If they only see a child, they will underestimate me, and to underestimate me is to die.
  • I will never stay in one place longer than I need to work an angle. The longer I stay in one place, the more likely I am to be discovered.
  • To simply kill someone lacks imagination. I will use my wit and skill to expose the corruption of adulthood and make them suffer first.
  • Everyone betrays me in the end, so the only one I can rely on is myself and my god.


Due to their unorganized nature, agents of Otoro have no set holidays. Each member has a special birthday known as their Sad Birthday; the day were they reach adulthood and must forgo most of their memories of their time in the order.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As a mysterious deity, Otoro's overall goals are unclear, although some believe that he seeks a way to permanently regress all the adults in the world into children. Most of his followers simply state that his goals are only to continue having grand adventures and explorations.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The most common depiction of Otoro is of a human child of Alnasi descent, but many believe that he keeps his true form hidden.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much of Otoro's history is unclear, as there are many different versions of the Adventures of Otoro, which give countless different takes on his time as a mortal. A common and recurring theme among most of these stories is Otoro being abandoned at a cruel orphanage at an early age, only to later lead the other orphans in an escape from the orphanage, declaring that no adult would ever control his destiny.


Contacts & Relations

A mysterious pair of creatures known as Orphan Jack and Orphan Jill are said to be the herald of Otoro, who are together said to be an amalgamation of the souls of every deceased orphan.   Otoro is served by a race of outsiders known as Ragamuffins, which appear as children-sized dolls that are hard to distinguish from normal children. These Ragamuffins can easily influence children, and can even impart a deadly curse that causes a creature to rapidly de-age.   The other deities don't speak to confirm or deny the existence of Otoro and the secrets of his church, and many believe that Otoro found some item or secret that he uses as leverage against divine beings to hold onto his secrets.

Family Ties

As Otoro is commonly depicted as a human, he is likely descended from Eve, who gave life to the Edaans and the first humans.
Divine Classification
Main Pantheon Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
3700 403 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
As an informal deity with little oganization, there are few official phrases for his followers, with the only phrase being the follwong iconic line:   To Adventure!: Said by Otorites both before setting out on a journey or quest, and by many children playing make-believe. The phrase shows both the affirmation of the followers quest for excitement, as well as cementing the idea that the children are playing a game to any onlooking adults.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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