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Pako (Pack-o)

Neko who dwell in the dark forest of Skovasil, the Pako resemble panthers and prefer to avoid conflict rather than engage in it. The pako are the most stealthy of the neko, able to move almost completely silently and are able to blend into the darkness. Unlike most neko, the pako are able to see perfectly in the dark.


Average technological level

Like most neko, the pako prefer to keep their technology simple so that they can easily move and hide from enemies.

Art & Architecture

Many pako build their homes either in or around trees, often having multiple secret entrances and exits.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Revealing secrets is a punishable crime to the pako, and thus most pako rarely speak with any forthrightness, often speaking in roundabout ways or even in riddles.

Coming of Age Rites

While the pako deny it, it is rumored that a young pako must sneak into a stronghold or another well guarded place and swipe an item from it. Many people who suddenly have an item go missing often blame it on the pako.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Pako graves are hidden deep within forests, and pakos always take care to completely conceal burial sites to prevent them from being exhumed by necromancers or hungry undead.

Common Taboos

Revealing the secrets of the pako of the locations of their hidden homes usually results in the assassination of the offenders.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of pako worship Ches, the neko deity of stealth and questions. It is believed that when Neko traveled through divine realms of the elves during her ascension, she moved at night to not attract attention. Coating herself in dark mud to avoid the keen elven eyes, she succeeded in sneaking through most of the realm undetected, only to be noticed by Giwathil at the very end. Noticing his intrest in her, neko utilized her wiles to charm him, spending the night with him for the promise of allowing her passage. Once she finished her ascension, Ches revealed itself to them, claiming to be their offspring, despite Neko not recalling giving birth to them.

Major organizations

The pako prefer to remain to themselves, rarely leaving their forests due to the many threats that lurk in the dark. At times, they might set out to aid the other members of the Free Lands, and will often be hired to sneak into territories of the Necromantic Barons to important information or sabotage dark rituals.

Random Pako Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-40 Hidden Pako Village Seeker of Portals
41-80 Dark Forest Canopy Prowler
81-90 Non-Pako Settlement Hidden Hand
91-95 Crypt or Necropolis Undead Foe
96-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A pako replaces the standard neko traits of Low-light Vision and Sprinter with the following traits:   Dark Neko: A pako gains Stealth as a class skill instead of Acrobatics, and gains a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. This racial bonus stacks with the bonus granted from the Natural Hunter trait.   Darkvision: A pako can see perfectly in the dark up at a range of 60 feet.


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