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The capital city of the Drow Houses and the city controlled by House Hel-Dai.


Sarnhir is almost 90% drow, with around another 8% of the population being dimling slaves and 2% of the population being other races, most notably being weaverlings.


Sarnhir is ruled entirely by the Hel-Dai family and the Church of Sarnel. Any government official must be approved to obtain its position by a church authority, and thus all positions of power are occupied by a member of the Hel-Dai family.


The western side of Sarnhir dwells on an underriver preventing easy access from that direction. The other borders of the city are protected by a great iron wall, crafted by elven stonesmiths and enchanted with powerful defensive spells. Each entrance to the city is protected by a fully stocked guardhouse, although most of the guards spend their time drinking and playing cruel games, confident that no fool would ever dare attack the city. Sarnhir also houses representatives from each of the drow noble families, each of which bring their own defensive power, such as House Anmór's mastery of arcane spells or House Rawheems alchemical concotions. But the cities greatest defense is its matriarch, Queen Aen, who is a centuries old mage and more than capable of utilizing great divine magic to strike down any who would trespass in her land.

Industry & Trade

Many of the other drow houses travel far to sell their goods at Sarnhir, creating a bustling industry that House Hel-Dai reaps the benefits of. Hel-Dai mostly exports religious priests and profane services to the other families, promising the blessings and curses of Sarnel for those who curry the most favor.


On the eastern river, the city house the Tir-Nen water mill, which helps to power the nearby Gir-cán Shipyard and Háldan Fishery, owend by House Lauei and Chwolva respectivly.


Sarnhir is divided into 4 main districts;   The Holy Center: Laying in the center and southernmost parts of the city, it houses the temples to Sarnel and the death pits of the holy family, as well as the Hel-Dai castle.   The Market Sector: Dominating the western half of the city, the Market Sector is full of many drow shops, all run by members of all eight of the major drow families.   The Aly Lanes: Holding over the northern and eastern part of the city, the Aly Lanes houses the high-life of the city, containing noble houses, as well as the Grand Bank and the Bloodstone colosseum.    The Pens: Tucked away in the southeast corner of the city, the Pens holds the less wealthy members of society, although most their are still much better off than the poorer districts of other cities. It also houses the public death pit, where non-drow or those who cannot afford a family pit are thrown after their demise.


Sarnhirs main asset is that it sits atop on of the few major documented Underpasses down to the Lower Depths, allowing it to have a mesure of control over who can descend further into the depths. The rest of its assests mostly come from tributes payed by the other drow houses to House Hel-Dai.

Guilds and Factions

The other drow families flock to Sarnhir in the hopes of currying favor with the greatest of the drow matriarchs, and thus each family has their own faction in the city.   The only non-drow faction that operates in the city is the Adventurers Guild (although it is still overseen by drow operatives). It outsources many missions away from the city that wealthy drow can't be bothered with.


Sarnhir was the first of the major drow cities established after the Ardlam elves retreated underground. The elves, starving and desperate to survive with all of the dangers of the Underrealm, turned to Sarnel, an elven god of the earth that had long been neglected. In exchange for his eternal worship, Sarnel granted them great power, and they crafted the city of Sarnhir to extol his glory and power. It is said the current matriarch, Queen Aen was present at the founding, as a young child, and thus has ruled for almost 600 years.

Points of interest

The biggest point of intrest in the city is the massive Hel-Dai castle, where Queen Aen and her attendants rest.   The other main point of intrest is the Sarn Underpass, which allows for descent into or ascent from the Lower Depths, the second layer of the Underrealm. The Sarn Underpass is heavily guarded, as well as taxed, greatly reducing any Enthos who wish to ascend to the higher levels.   Other points of intrest include:   Ahimebaug Labs: A Rawheen run lab that partakes in most of the fleshwarping of the city.   Amar Textiles and Trades: A Lauie run trading guild specalizing in day-to-day items   El-Redhi's Herbs: A Chwolva run herbalist shop.   Gerth Runesmith: An Anmor run smithy that specializes in enchanting metal and stone.   Glírlán Songshop: An Achil run musical instrument shop and personal singing trainer.   Helvma Beastiary and Furs: An Achil run animal and fur shop.   The Ingúl Magic Emporium: A massive Anmor run magical item shop   Lendos' Scents and Psychs: A Rawheem run perfume and drug store, where drow nobility keeps up with the latests hedonestic trends.   Limurvor's Brews: A Chwolva run brewery that brews potent fungal ale.   Maigol Smithy: A Curcet owend smithy that forges most things not directly related to the city military.   Mang's General Store: The largest general store in the city, run of course by the Lauei family.   Micor Jewelery: An Achil owned jewelery that supplies much of the precious stones and metals for the drow families signet rings.   Muimei Alchemical Goods: A Rawheem run alchemical shop.   Ontgúl Arcane Lab: An Anmor run lab of arcane research.   Ortba Bakery and Cafe: A Chwolva run bakery that is popular among the common folk   Ortramma Carpentry; A Curcet carpentry company that works with Páostra Masonry to craft living quarters for wealthy drow.   Pánostra Masonry: A Curcet operated masonry that is in charge of the upkeep of most of the city streets.   Paróle Library: A massive library owned by the Anmor family. Most of it is open to the public.   Piligur Fletchery: A Dinfiar run fletchery   Sariv Leathery: A Rawheem run Leathery that specializes in leather goods crafted from humanoid flesh.   Sarnhir Grand Bank: A bank run by House Lauei that controls and monitors the finances of all of the drow noble houses.   Serínlan's Finery: An Achil run beauty saloon, where the drow nobility keep up with the latest fashion trends.   The Steelfang Academy: A massive academy where the wealthy sent their children to learn the arts of combat and to hone their minds.   Telberi Footwear: An Achil run shoe shop   The Temple of Unbreaking Stone: Seperated from the rest of the city utop a cliff in the center, the Temple of Unbreaking Stone is reserved soley for the most devout of the Hel-Dai family.


A major draw of outsiders to the city is the Bloodstone Colosseum, a massive arena were the enemies of the drow are executed in cruel bloodsports for a jeering crowd.   Pilgrims of Sarnel also travel to the city in order to attend ceremonies at the massive Grand Sarnel Temple.   Other common tourism spots are the Lóreseler Brothel, the best brothel outside of Achir.   Notable taverns in the city include the Mirillisarn Inn and Tavern, a high end tavern; The Stone Saber, a middle-end tavern mostly used by merchants, and Shifty Sippers, a low-end tavern used by the poor in the Pens.


The city is primarily carved out of stone and rock, with massive metal walls surronding it. The street roads the guide through the city are a polished white, with many claiming they are constructed out of the bones of those foolish enough to oppose the great drow families.


  • Sarnhir
    The capital city of the drow houses.
Founding Date
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Owning Organization
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