Undergob Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Goblins who long ago found their way into secret passages into the Underrealm, Undergobs are more adapt at living solely in darkness and are able to crawl along cave walls to ambush prey.


Major language groups and dialects

Like surface goblins, most Undergobs speak only Goblin, but instead often pick up Undercommon rather than Common.

Major organizations

Many Undergobs are the servants of Dueragar overlords, but with the recent drow expansion into duergar territory, many Undergobs now find themselves unaligned.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Undergobs alter their base speed and their sense and gain the following traits   Cave Crawler (Ex): A goblin with this trait gains a climb speed of 10 feet, gains the +8 racial bonus to Climb checks that having a climb speed normally grants, but has a 20 foot base speed instead of a 30 feet speed.   Light Sensitivity (Ex): A Undergob is dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of the daylight spell.


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