Ana Serrano-Menéndez is the Duquesa of the Duchy of Gancia.
Anne Laurent is a popular student from Jean-Mathieu Mage's College in Solom.
Anton Etxabeltza-Xavieritz is the head of the Extabeltza family.
Benedict Zaal is the Grand Doge of the Riverlands, elected 1059.
Bianca is an Apostle to Tamiko from the Kingdom of Leon.
Marques Estevan Etxabeltza-de Cozani is the heir to House Extabeltza.
Fabian Serrano-de Rivierra is a paladin of Pelor.
Felix Zaal was a prominant nobleman from Straaten.
Floor Ekker is a businesswoman and seamstress working in Straaten.
Gracia Ortega-Serrano is a deceased member of House Serrano.
Hernan Serrano-de Rivierra is the heir to House Serrano.
Duquesa Isla Etxabeltza-Xavieritz is the Duquesa of the Duchy of East Barcera.
Jannik van der Berg is a cleric of Pelor from the Riverlands.
Juan Serrano-Menéndez is the Duque of the Duchy of Gancia.
Lucille Couture is a charismatic former recruiter who worked for the Cult of Alran.
Lupe Serrano-de Rivierra is a member of house Serrano.
Manuel de Cozani-Guiterrez is the King of Leon.
Maria Serrano-de Rivierra is member of House Serrano.
Mateo Serrano-de Rivierra is a member of House Serrano.
Paloma Serrano-de Rivierra is a member of House Serrano.
Sander Meyer is a wizard from the Riverlands.
Terese Etxabelza-Xavieritz is a member of House Extabeltza.
Val Solano is an aspiring mage from the small fishing town of Nantwich.
Viola Ortega-Serrano is a member of House Serrano.
Vivien Travers is an Apostle and pragmatic leader of the Cult of Alran.