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Material Plane 36

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Sitting plainly in the 36th parallel universe of the Planes of Existence, Material Plane 36 is a vibrant world full of sprawling kingdoms, small hamlets, city states, and wandering nomads. All of the parallel universes, of which nobody knows how many there are but some Gods claim to have visited up to Planes of Existence 157, came into existence at the same time in an event know as The Birth of Reality. It is theorized that the Overgod, God of Gods, in a fit of loneliness due to being the only thing in existence among the vast nothingness, sacrificed their body and mind to make all there there is and ever will be. From the mighty Tiamat, God of evil dragons, to the ants in their ant hills. From every Plane of Existence to the first snowflake of winter.   A Pantheon of Gods, the First Children of the Overgod, tend to this set of Planes of Existence and keep a balance of power between themselves and the inhabitants of parallel universe 36. These God are immeasurably powerful and immortal. They can be killed, but only by other Gods, but don't truly die - only weakened for a millennia or two. They have waged war and made peace, and have followers and enemies in every corner of existence. They can grant powerful abilities to the devout and work unending to see the world fit to their ideal, and work against the other Gods who work to see their own, different views of the world come to shape.   Material Plane 36 is home to the races of Man, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Dragons and so on. These non-divine races, the Second Children of the Overgod, arrived in the Planes of Existence not too long after the First Children of the Overgod awakened to gaze upon the reality they had been born into. These races concern themselves with the day to day activities, build vast social and economic networks, and live mortal lives. These races have altered the world they live in with the magical powers they drum up from sheer force of will and those gifted by the Gods. Material Plane 36 is neither special nor mundane, but rather full of potential and always evolving.

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