Midwinter Festival of Ice
When the rain turns to white snow, and the world stills in restoration, people gather to celebrate family, community, hope, and wonder. The Midwinter Festival of Ice was originally a way to bring a group of people together for continual survival through the rough cold when food was scarce but is now a celebration and time of sharing which renews joys and hopes for those participants. To some it is a beacon of light and positivity during the chilling winter.
Originally it was a gathering for trading and survival of the town during the harshest point during winter, making sure that all members had enough shared food to make it to spring growing. When food became less of an issue it transformed into a festival to celebrate Auril the goddess of ice. Making sure the people were fed was still carried on from the older tradition and so large feasts began. Eventually people even started dedicating activities like ice sculpting as a way of thanking Auril. When people started worshipping other gods, or no gods at all the celebration became purely about the winter activities, feast, and sharing of gifts. Now it is about community and the joy of togetherness.
Depending on the town, a council of representatives will meet a few months before to plan out how the festival is going to run, which people can run stalls where, what is going to be sold, how the activities are scheduled and who will run them. Each festival holds an array of wintery themed activities like ice sculpting, snowball tosses, ice skating, etc. The main part that everyone enjoys is the parade (if the town isnt big enough then there will be a show in the main square) typically with trained dancers who can do minor spell flourishes such as gust to blow up some snowflakes and the like. On the last day there is usually a potluck type feast that all can participate in.
everyone can participate in the festival if they choose to but no one is forced to. Some key roles are the ice carvers, parade members, dancers, stall owners, activity managers. It really is a community celebration and some members gather together to plan it months beforehand. Druids typically play a key role in the festival.
The Celebration of Restoration is observed in the 13th month in the calendar during the 3rd week.
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