Antarta Sea Geographic Location in Maw of the Deep | World Anvil
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Antarta Sea


The sea shifts from shallow, warm, and relatively clear in the south along the islands, to deep and almost grey farther north. Above Pheaceton, around Syle, the ocean is black and often frozen over. In different parts, often around coasts, there are huge underwater cliffs and valleys, quickly dropping off into unknown darkness.

Brosha and Eilt Un

The warmest part of the sea. Here, the ocean is either clear and light green, or dark blue farther from the coasts. Coral reefs and seagrass are abundant, as are mangroves and other plants that thrive in the ocean. In portions of the coast, the water is brackish from the rivers and lakes running into the sea. Here, odd fungus often grows, as well as exotic plants.

Pheaceton and Aquimore

Pale grey oceans, often frigid and occasionally sporting ice floes. Here, miles of kelp forests are common, often filled with ocean mer and sharks hunting far below the surface. The shallower parts, as well as the rocky bluffs, are covered in barnacles and algae. The beaches are often rocky and at the base of sheer cliffs.

Estrea and Aplta

Barely classified as a temperate region, this area is full of seaweed and the occasional dead coral reef. Thanks to the often brackish water, the area has more land-based plants directly on the coast. Water lilies are common, as are mangroves. Many large fish live here.


Here, the only plants are kelp forests. The deepest parts of the ocean, and much of it is covered in ice floes and glaciers rising hundreds of feet into the sky. The ocean is an impenetrable black, and falling in means nearly guaranteed death, whether by drowning or frostbite. The bottom is rocky, and full of unknown beasts. Near the shores miles of clams live on sandbars and rocks. Massive schools of fish, mostly tuna and salmon, move under the ice.

Fauna & Flora

Most mer make their homes in the depths. Along with sharks, dolphins, and many varieties of fish, there are reports of giant whales eclipsing the largest ship, and of squid even bigger than that. Of the beasts, the rumors of long-necked, oar-finned beasts termed 'oarfish' or 'sea dragons'
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from across the sea past Aquimore, along with other such monstrosities are some of the most feared.
Alternative Name(s)
The ocean, that thing


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