Estrean Ethnicity in Maw of the Deep | World Anvil
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The regions surrounding Estrea are almost constantly at war. Unlike her neighbours, Estrea itself hasn't actively attacked another country for centuries. The reason is simple; the people of these islands are more focused on keeping their fellows alive and healthy, than wasting lives on land disputes.

While the region has split and reformed multiple times into multiple countries, this is more disputes over how best to lead people than outright war. The people of Estrea keep to themselves, busy with raising livestock, fish, and crops. They offer safe ports to all, regardless of nationality, species, or the many different demands made by Pheaceton about ports.


Shared customary codes and values

Support your neighbours. Honor each other, and the work you do. Complete your tasks as best you can, with pride in your work. In doing so, you receive the blessings of our ancestors.

The Estreans pride themselves on self-sufficiency and cooperation, seeking pacifism when possible. In disputes, those overseeing are expected to enact true justice, and not simply see both parties as equally at fault.

"I've never understood your idea of work. It's counterproductive. Half of you don't even do anything, how do you thrive?"
"We are all expected to work, to assist our home. Unlike your idea of labour, it isn't simply seen as working hours in the fields. There are all types of tasks, and all types of people to complete those tasks."
"What if someone can't work? If they're sick or old? Missing a limb? What use do they have?"
"You have a narrow view of what use a life is. Sometimes living is work enough. And for us, that is more than enough."

Both the Continent and Aquimore struggle to understand how the Estreans continue to thrive. How can a people that don't develop sprawling towns and massive farms continue to do well for themselves? How does a people that still live in simple houses and practice subsistence farming prosper?

The answer is always simpler than expected: Because that's what they want.

Encompassed species
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