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Belandra, Goddess of Poison and Disease

Belandra is a goddess of poison from another plane that was trapped in a gemstone during the Gods war, until her release into Meaghana. She is a patron goddess of assassins, and delights in the suffering and death of innocents.

Divine Domains

Evil, Water, Pestilence, Scalykind

Holy Books & Codes

The church of Belandra holds one tome to be holy over all: The Viper’s Gospel. The gospel is the story of the first priest of Belandra as he is made aware of the goddesses glory, by suffering through all known poisons, and reveling in the visions of Belandra’s power. The gospel calls for the faithful to tolerate no weakness, and that power and respect come only with the ability to kill.
  The Viper’s Gospel also details countless poisons, and their use. The most important thing to not is that the Gospel spells out hundreds of rituals that the church of Belandra is expected to follow. Ignoring even the lowest of these has called Belandra to turn her favor from a priest, a veritable death sentence as the other priests destroy the apostate for his rank and prestige. The Followers of Belandra believe that only their lady's will has any import to the world. Those that do not follow her should sicken and die. They believe that the use of poisons is a sacred act and should be used whenever possible. It is their belief that killing someone by poison gives Belandra a better chance at claiming that person's soul in the after life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A green teardrop pendant.

Tenets of Faith

The theology of Belandra is a simple one, but filled with ritual. Belandra teaches the glory of self-indulgence, and the weakness of restraint. Her priests hold to the ideals that those cunning and willing enough to act, shall gain all that they desire, and those that stand in their way gain a poisoned dagger in the back.
Divine Classification
Goddess of Poison and Disease

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