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Fern (Goddess of Loss)

Fern is the goddess of loss. During her life she was a druid to Meaghana, and a priestess to Astrix. Her faith was weak and rather than blame herself she turned upon her gods and proclaims that the faith in deities is the true falsehood of existence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Historically the church of Fern has had two different holy symbols. The original holy symbol of Fern was a small bag with a crushed stone and a broken metal musical note inside. This represented Fern's loss of faith in both Meaghana and Astrix.   The modern holy symbol is a pendant depicting the open power to the barrens that Folgrim’s seal has closed. Other than this the priests usually wear dark, somber clothing. The only real ritual they perform is the ritual destruction of anything of value, particularly sentimental value. They destroy these things in front of the people to whom they are important if possible.   Favored Weapons: Club   Holy Symbol: A medallion of a Black Portal with glowing stones swirling within it.

Tenets of Faith

The priests of Fern seek to end the universe. They believe that the only way to stop pain and destruction is to stop everything. These priests tend to be even more unbalanced than the average priests of Brilla are. The entire religion is fatalistic as the words of the goddess show:     "Life is pain, nothing but hurt and fear. I charge you, my followers, to liberate the world. The fear and pain stem from people's happiness. All things are a balance, if you remove one side of the balance the other will fall as well. Take from mortals their happiness, their joy, their love, and along with it will come their hate, their pain and their fear."   Most people take this as proof that Fern and all those that follow her are completely insane. It does however, begin to explain some of their actions. At heart, even Fern herself wants to get rid of pain. Her approach to it however makes her dangerous.   "Those that serve the other immortals are dangerous. They blind the world with hope, and hide the reality. I have shown you the reality. Take my gifts and strike down the spreaders of lies."   This explains why the followers of Fern hate other priesthoods so much, she does reserve her special hatred for Seras and Pthalo, two god who focus on the power of Suffering and Love, respectively, the two things that she strikes out against most.   Since the beginning of the 3rd age, Folgrim has also become a particularly hated foe of Fern. She sees his crafting of the moon to seal the portal to the barrens as a personal slight to her. Fern has commanded her priests to work against the actions of the dwarven people, and rewards those who destroy dwarven artifacts.

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