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Glug Goblinlord, God of Goblins

Glug was created after the Goblin War, he also was the only god to avoid the All-Father's attentions during the Purge. How exactly this was accomplished none know, and Glug's not telling.

  Glug is the ultimate achievement of Goblinkind, a being who has risen above his fellows by the force of his personal power. Glug is the savage force of evil that dwells within the uncivilized people. He is the drive to conquer and consume with nearly mindless abandon. He also represents the rejection of the learning of the so-called civilized races and as such is often seen as a god that glorifies stupidity by other races. This is untrue. The intelligence that Glug glorifies is that of the savage.

Divine Domains

Evil, War, Destruction, Orc

Holy Books & Codes

Due to the nature of the majority of Glug’s supplicants, the theology of his religion is not so much a defined school of thought as it is a group of shared superstitions, fears and desires.
  The followers of Glug do not have a book of faith, and so much of what is know of their worship has been learned from potential sacrifices that have escaped the goblin’s clutches.
One of the major differences between the faith of Glug and those of the other gods is their view on the after life. It is the belief of the priesthood that all those that are worthy and of goblin blood are joined with the communal being that is Glug after their deaths. These beings lose all sense of self, but become part of what the goblins see as the ultimate power in the universe.
It is this belief that drives much of the bloodlust in goblinoid culture. One is driven to acts of violence and savagery not only to gain the favor of their god in this life, but to directly strengthen Glug when they join with him on their death. This is also where the symbol of the God stems from. The Goblin shamans believe that their sacrificed finger tips are joined with Glug before their deaths, and that in exchange their spells result in a small portion of the power of Glug that is invested in the Shaman to replace them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sacrifice of the first joint of the middle two fingers of the hand.

Tenets of Faith

Beliefs of the Priesthood: The priesthood of Glug is a Humanoid one. This is the worship of Goblins, Kobolds, Trolls, Half-Ogres etc. The Goblin faith believes that Glug is the father of the goblin race and wish to continue the war he started against all of the other races on Meaghana. Part of their belief is the superiority of the Goblinoid races, and his priests see it as a holy duty to take slaves from other races; particularly the so called “civilized races“. These goblins believe that when they die they are united with Glug, added to the communal being that is Glug. This explains why some goblins get spells when they pray to tribal spirits, because Glug harvests that worship as his own. There are actually Commandments to Glug that were given to his followers when he was still mortal.
  1) Goblins are the highest form of life. This means that goblins are the rulers of the Goblinoid races. Of the Goblinoid races, goblins are the most cunning and resilient. Even though most of the bigger races enslave Goblins the situation quickly changes when there is a Goblin priest of Glug present.
  2) Mercy is weakness. Glug only wants the most vile, destructive followers. No one gives goblins mercy so they are taught not to give it. Any Goblins showing mercy are sacrificed to Glug.
  3) Cowardice is unworthy but Self preservation is the highest goal.
  This shows the interesting division that Goblins have in warfare. All goblins should be ready to go to war at a moments notice and fight bravely, but if the battle turns against them, there is no dishonor in saving ones own hide.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Have Goblins become the dominant race on Meaghana
Divine Classification
God of Goblins and Savage Humanoids

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