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Holy Order of Illumination

“As the fire of the smelter removes impurities from the iron, so too are we called upon to bring the heat of the Dwarflord’s forge to this world and burn from it the impurities of evil and chaos.” – Forgefather Gorumn Coalheart, High Inquisitor of the Holy Order of Illumination   One of the newest and more militant orders of Folgrim’s worship, the Holy Order of Illumination was begun in Eastforge after the discovery of Demons in the Eastern tunnels in the year 136 of the 3rd age. Drawn from the interactions of the Branded Legion and the Priests and Paladins that were assigned to watch them, the order embraces a more radical view of the Forgelord and incorporate a more zealous approach to the faithful’s place in the world. Whereas the majority of the faithful of Folgrim see their call as one of creation and tend to build their faith around the metaphor of the forge, the inquisitors of the Holy Order of Illumination see themselves as the smelters of the world. Their calling is to purify what already exists and to burn away the scourge of evil and chaos from creation.   Because of this zealousness, and their alignment of lawful goodness as opposed to the more orthodox lawful neutrality of the faith, the Holy Order of Illumination is under significant scrutiny from the church of Folgrim as a whole. While they have not been declared as such, many of the more conservative Forgefathers view the Order as heretical and dangerous. Only their significant aid in the defending the workings of the east road from demonic forces has prevented a censure from the High Temple.   To be accepted as an Inquisitor of the Holy Order of Illumination, one must first be trained as a priest or paladin of Folgrim. The Orders strictures hold that before one is able to receive illumination, one must become familiar with the darkness. To that end a perspective Inquisitor must secure training as a rogue and learn the basics of that class WITHOUT performing any acts contrary to their faith and alignment. While the order sees the need for the skills of stealth and subtlety it does not abide spiritual weakness from its adherents. During this time, the Inquisitors will often put the prospective member through trials that seek to push the member into committing acts against the faith. Often these trials will seek to invoke wrath in the subject or give them the opportunity to take the “easy” way out of a situation rather than uphold the order’s calling. Those that fail these tests are outcast from the order, and in some cases slain for their offense.   Once they have shown skill in the roguish arts, and have passed their trials, the perspective member takes their vows as a Shadowbane Inquisitor. From this point on they are considered a member of the Holy Order of Illumination and may openly wear the Order’s symbol, that of a burning smelter.

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