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Omadon, God of Strife

Omadon, also called He of the Silver Arm, and the Serpent, is the God of strife on Meaghana. He was many things during his life, including an accomplished mage. In 1084 AC, Omadon was slain by Hosia, the Dragonlord, in a battle on the first layer of the 9 Hells called the Battle of the Breach. During the Great War, Hosia the Timelord reached through time and brought Omadon from the past into the present to reclaim his place in the pantheon in exchange for Omadon resuming the blood war between the demons and devils to help banish the demons who came through the Black Gate.

Divine Domains

Tyranny, Trickery, Pact, Domination

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Pendant of a Silver Arm

Tenets of Faith

The priesthood of Omadon believes in only one thing: power. They seek to amass all of the personal power possible. While most are very devoted to Omadon, it is almost certain that if it could be done, they would all kill him to gain his power. Omadon and his priests are very lawful and organized. Their hierarchy is built in a master/apprentice relationship. A master may have a many apprentices as he can control, with the number and strength of one's apprentices being a sign of power. Omadon has given his priests several commandments and they are noted below:
  1) You will be hated for the powers you possess, to show your true allegiance is to endanger the work of our lord, do this and Die.
  This commandment is meant to force the priests and paladins of Omadon to hide in the populace to more easily perform their manipulations. It is only allowed to tell your true allegiance to those you plan to kill to heighten the pain and fear of the moment.
  2) The world is a plaything, a toy to those strong enough to control it. We are the strong.
  This is the most heartless of the commandments basically stating that the feelings and needs of the rest of the world are only important if they further the needs of the priest or paladin.
  3) Control is power. But beware there are those that seek to control even us, the Daemon kin. They are our lord's children as well, help them if it serves your purpose but keep ever vigilant.
  This shows the true rift in Omadon's power. The priests and his Daemons seem to war on each other just as much, if more discreetly, than they do everyone else. It is seen as a great deed for a Daemon to control a follower of the one that controls them.
  4) We are one in our Lord's purpose. Defend your brothers, so much as it doesn't cause you harm. Stand as one in the shadows, so as to be stronger than the coming light.
  This shows the unity of Omadon's priesthood. Many times when a priest is arrested the charges will be mysteriously dropped, as another priest manipulates things under his control. One can never be too careful when fighting a follower of the god of Strife, for one never knows which one of the faceless masses could be an ally to your foe.
  Contrary to the last Commandment the church of Omadon is rife with struggle. All priests try to manipulate each other and are manipulated in turn. No one, not even the high priest is safe from this internal fighting. The only thing that will bring the church of Omadon together is an outside threat large enough to destroy the entire church, or a direct order from Omadon.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Create Strife through the entire world, dominate the pantheon and control the lives of all mortals.
Divine Classification
God of Strife

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