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Valina, Guardian of the World Tree

Valina Ravennian was a scion of the royal house of Fetesca during the late 2nd Age. Due to her love for the devil Saeran she fell from her calling as a Paladin of the Holy Union, and during her attempts to redeem herself from her failings entered the service of Meaghana before the Great War. Eventually being named the Guardian of the World Tree, Valina was the most powerful of Meaghana’s servants before she was sealed away in the aftermath of the war.     Meaghana choose to surrender her divine power after her punishment following the great war, and remain bound within her planetary form forever. Since then Valina has received a portion of Meaghana’s abdicated divine essence. While much of the Nature Goddess’ former power was infused into the natural world, Valina was bequeathed the domain of Life, and now serves as a defender of all life upon Meaghana.   This has put her in direct conflict with Seras, who sees her as a pretender to a title he once possessed in his existence as Jhonus

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, Protection

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The favored weapon of the Cult of Valina is a Maul or other large hammer. Their Holy Symbol is a pendant of an Oak Tree growing from the hilt of a Maul.

Tenets of Faith

Those that follow Valina see their responsibility as the defense of the natural world. They share many interests with the Druidic circles in this regard but tend toward more active militarism rather than the shepherding of the ecosystem as the druids are.    Furthermore, since her ascendance to true divinity, many healers, midwives, doctors, and paladins have flocked to her banner. These followers take the edicts of the goddess as a command to protect life and battle against the unnatural predators of the world.   The cult of Valina does not put a great focus on ritual preferring to allow their actions to speak to their faith in the Goddess. What few rituals have become widespread deal with births and coming of age rituals.
Divine Classification
Goddess of Life

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