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Battles of Fenton's Priory

Military action


Conflict over Queen Kalisandra's attempts to purify the corrupt houses of worship in Fetesca.

Much of the purging of heretical houses of worship went very smoothly for the Queen, until she reached the Northern areas of Greyson. Here there was a monastery called Fenton’s Priory, that had long built its wealth on the backs of the local citizens. So complete was this corruption that the Queen’s men were met at the priory by mercenary warriors. These warriors refused to let the Queen’s forces enter the monastery.
  The resulting battle was the first in a series of engagements where the corrupt priests and nobles sought to weaken the Queen’s hold on the Northlands. As the first real test of the Queen’s authority, the entire Kingdom looked to see how Kalisandra would meet this challenge.
    Kalisandra brought the Royal Guard to the Priory and surrounded the monastery. In an attempt to end the standoff with a little loss of life as possible the Queen besieged the monastery for seven months before the forces inside rode out to meet her. With the battle joined, Kalisandra personally led the Royal guard and managed to crush the opposition forces.
    The show of valor and military acumen caused a swelling in the Queen’s popularity, and her choice of using the Royal Guard rather than a force of Knights or Adventurers established the guard as a major force in the kingdom. It is commonly said that her performance at the Battle was the root cause for the extended peacefulness of the remainder of Queen Kalisandra’s reign.

Related Location
The Kingdom of Fetesca
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