Political event
The new High Elvish speaker forges bonds across all the elven sub-races.
As the century long service of
Speaker Sylvianne Moonshadow came to a
close, the council turned to the business of
electing its new members. Knowing they were
still distrusted, the Drow did not put forth a
claim on the Speaker’s roll instead chose to
support the claim of the new representative
of the Wood Elves, Caelias Barkwalker.
The High Elves put forth Tanveldan
Goldenoak, a well know warrior turned
diplomat. Tanveldan was a very popular
choice, certainly much more so than Caelias
and would have been able to beat the taciturn
wood elf with very little effort. However,
Tanveldan wished to truly forge a unified
force of government in Talen’Seere, and to
that end did all he could to garner the support
of each of the other sub-races. Tanveldan
spent time among each of the quarters of the
city, learning of the ways of his brother elves,
and earning much in the way of respect in
doing so. It is said that he even accompanied
a dark elvish patrol deep into the tunnels
below the island and earned distinction for his
swordsmanship and ruthlessness in defending
a priestess of Belandra from an umberhulk
The actions of Tanveldan turned his
election into a landslide. As speaker, he
swore to treat each of the elvish bloodlines
with dignity and do his best to honor their