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Battles of Hillsbrad

Military action


Gnomish refugees seek to claim the abandoned dwarf settlement of Hillsbrad.

With the loss of much of their standing in the country the Gnomish forces within the city states decided on the need for a stronghold to be secured to protect themselves from their numerous enemies. The most obvious choice was the abandoned Dwarven lands of Hillsbrad.
  The Mirsol priest, Dornvaken Varbordas, led the gnomish migration into the mountainous region that the dwarves once called home. However, this land was not as abandoned as they thought.
  In the years since the dwarves left, the various forces from the Underdark that they had been holding back, had come to control the abandoned tunnels. The greatest of these was the Illithid city of Ga’haldoon. As the Gnomes entered the undercity they found it filled with goblinoids and other servitor races of the Illithids.
  Dornvaken did all he could to drive out the humanoids in a number of battles lasting nearly seven years, but with the support of Ga’haldoon, they were just too powerful.
  Dornvaken surrendered to the Mind Flayers, and the gnomes were accepted as vassals to Ga’haldoon. The gnomes were allowed to dwell in the surface villages of Hillsbrad and they provide protection and a steady stream of slaves to the Illithid city.

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