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A Brief History

The ancient isles of the Kerrin are steeped in history that extends long before man ever navigated its waters. Before the Tükhafen empire there were once others. Each empire and culture built one atop the other, and in the end each lost to history. Some believe that there are no true people native to the archipelago and that all that remains of its forgotten history are the cultures the linger there who no longer remember their past. The next empire in the long line of succession is the human Tükhafen empire.

The Tide of Man

Humans first set landed upon the archipelago over a thousand years ago. The day of their landing is observed as an imperial holiday known as the Day of Light. Anyone within the empire knows the story of when the skies and oceans were black and the land was covered in ash, and will tell you of how the first rays of light shown down upon Adam Roth when he stepped upon the island of Ambersky. Since the Day of Light until the start of the Great Sundering War mankind spread its influence and presence across the southern region of the Archipelago. Within the empire humans make up most of the population, and to all who come from outside the archipelago this is odd for humans are a rare find elsewhere in the world. What is left of the empire within the Hearth and the Ports of Passage are ruled by the emperor Ahren Roth who rules upon the Sonne Throne.

In the Wake of War

The Tükhafen empire of today is but merely shadow of its former self, and much more akin to how it once began. The Great Sundering War, a two hundred year long civil war, destroyed what had taken a thousand years to build. Great cities and citadels once dotted the southern end of the Archipelago under the Tükhafen empire, but now all that remains are the Ports of Passage and the Kingdoms of the Hearth. The great war had turned brother upon brother and city upon city until nothing was almost nothin was left. While it was a civil war within the empire many of the native nations were forced to fight themselves to protect their lands or respect treaties with different citadels. The result left many scattered and some completely disappeared. The lingering impacts of this war are still very much a reality and impact the day to day lives of those in the Empire and the native nations that surround it.

The Current Empire

What is left of the great Tükhafen empire is split into two parts. There are the six Kingdoms of the Hearth and the Ports of Passage. The Hearth is a chain of islands in the south east of the Archipelago and is the birthplace of Tükhafen empire. Here there are six kingdoms that rules the Hearth from six different islands.
  • Vruston upon the Bordgar Atoll
  • Leth'Vai upon Swordrok
  • Graystone upon the Isle of Stillwater
  • Strongmoore upon the Scarlett Reef
  • Lancefort upon Galleon's Refuge
  • MythrilVeil upon the Kraken Spires
Each kingdom has control and limited autonomy over the islands and people within its domain. They are each required to produce ships for the imperial navy equal to their size, and once the quota is met can produce their own army and navy for their own ends. Most often the ships within the Hearth that keep the peace are these kingdom navy vessels with the main force of the imperial navy patrolling the Passage.

The Ports of Passage are a chain of ports of call that run the length of a channel of the archipelago called the Passage. These ports serve the needs of the empire and for their fealty they are protected and are destinations for the navy and other ships traveling the Passage. Each port could be considered a veritable resort. Many of the navy officers take their leave here after extended expeditions. The ports here are often richer than most found within the hearth and can be rather expensive for more humble and meager travelers.

Both the Kingdoms of the Hearth and the Ports of Passage are ruled by the imperial city of Sonnengarten upon the island of Ambersky within the Hearth. It is the most luxurious port of call and city within the empire. The large city state's lower city to the imperial palace show no signs that a war was ever fought unlike the other kingdoms and ports that still have the scars of war upon them.


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