Shoey Tradition / Ritual in Medieval Chaos | World Anvil
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During Kingdom of K'no'where meetings, Sultan Spirit could not get the K'no'bodies to shut up so it could speak. It decided to utilize a tradition it picked up on the Eastern Campaign: The Shoey. The Sultan shouted "Shoey!" and everybody had to drink. Because their mouth holes were full of drink, they had to shut up and the Sultan could speak.   Now, the Shoey is used as both a bonding and initiation ritual. A K'no'body may start the Shoey chant in the presence of a full shoey to compel all other K'no'bodies to drink from it. When a new person is inducted into the Kingdom of K'no'where, they must drink from the shoey to make it official.   Over time, the Shoey has been blessed and desecrated so many times, it has inherited magical properties. K'no'bodies who drink from the Shoey now find themselves more resilient (although this only seems to occur once a day). It is said the Shoey also has restorative powers that can heal wounds and cure maladies.


A Glass Shoe/Boot is filled with delicious liquid.

Often before the ritual, the Shoey is "Blessicrated" by being simultaneously blessed by a priest of a Good aligned god, and desecrated by a priest of an Evil aligned god.   A K'no'body holds it high and begins the chant "Shoey, shoey, shoey"   All other participants continue the chant as the Shoey makes its way around all participants who each take a drink. If it is not empty by the time it reaches the last participant, they must finish the shoey.

Components and tools

A Shoey (The Holy Shoe is preferred, but any will suffice)   Delicious Liquid
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