The Realm of Darkness, created by Lunox, The Monarch of Balance and ruled over by Nox, the Greater Spirit of Darkness. One of the first realms ever created, Noxum is a place filled with darkness and all things associated with it, such as dispair, disaster and death. It is the realm that the Demi-Fiends and Pogonians came from during Faramel's Invasion.
Although always a realm of darkness, Noxum has been turned into the worst form of itself since Faramel laid waste to the realm, turning it into a horrific post-apocalyptic wasteland of fire, monsters, demons and death.
It's counterpart, Luxum, is incredibly similar geographically but is a purer, light reflection of it's sister realm.
Although always a realm of darkness, Noxum has been turned into the worst form of itself since Faramel laid waste to the realm, turning it into a horrific post-apocalyptic wasteland of fire, monsters, demons and death.
It's counterpart, Luxum, is incredibly similar geographically but is a purer, light reflection of it's sister realm.