Soul Steel Material in Meintalia | World Anvil
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Soul Steel

Soul Steel is an incredibly rare and valuable metal forged by Faber in The Soul Forge from the souls of the devout followers of various Gods.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Soul Steel is the strongest metal in the known world. It resembles folded steel but is a pale, iridescent white when unforged and loses most of its iridescence when forged. It's thought that the iridescence of the metal is linked in some way to it's usability as "raw" Soul Steel ingots can be smelted, albeit only melting in dragon fire, whereas Soul Steel that has already been forged is impossile to melt, becoming completely resistant to heat. Unless it's imbued with fire magic or similar, the metal is incredibly cold to touch.

Soul Steel is unbreakable, never dulls or tarnishes and takes incredibly well to enchanments, much like Deadwood. It absorbs magic ambiently, sometimes even taking on magical properties and abilities similar to magic that is in abundance around the material. For example, an unenchanted Soul Steel sword on the hip of a mage that frequently uses fire magic may absorb some of this magic and imbue itself with flame, or the same sword in a white dragons lair will imbue itself with frost magic. Magic absorbed ambiently in this way gradually decays and is lost over time as the Soul Steel is removed from the source, however enchantments intentionally imbued into the material never fade.

It is thought that there is a limit to how much magic Soul Steel can hold as most forged relics cannot be enchanted more than once, however what this limit is is unknown. The God Relics for example seem to be at their capacity as they are impossible to enchant further and do not absorb ambient magic like Soul Steel forged by mortals does.

Unenchanted Soul Steel that has been forged yearns to absorb magic. It is incredibly painful to touch as it instantly begins sapping away at the soul of the person touching it. It can be manipulated in this way to forge cages or shackles that dampen magic, creating binds or prisons that prevent whoever or whatever is caught within them from casting.

Origin & Source

Soul Steel can only be crafted by Faber, God of Smithing. Any Soul Steel found is either forged in a relic or, in inredibly rare cases, raw ingots that have been gifted to mortals as a reward or hidden somewhere sacred to Faber. Soul Steel is so rare to find that most master smiths go their entire lives merely dreaming of seeing the material, let alone ever having the chance of working with an ingot.
Incredibly rare
Metallic whte
Common State


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