The Void Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Void

Although it is often referred to as a realm, The Void is technically nothing. It's simply the name given to the empty space that the realms reside within but isn't an actual realm itself.

The Void was the first thing to exist, the place where Eros, The Monarch of Mortality pulled Themself and Their brethren from. Although an empty, reaching expanse of nothingness, The Void holds the potential of everything that will ever be created. It is said that when the universe is completed, the Void will no longer exist, having been used up to create everything. Although comprised of scattered atoms and magical energy, occasionally a consciousness forms inside the void and pulls itself together to form a grotesque mockery of its future life. These beings are known as aberrations and their existence is a short and painful one, doomed to inevitably fall apart and return to the nothingness that it came from.

Originally, Penance, the Greater Spirit of Justice would banish the fallen Gods here rather than turn them into Titans. This worked for a while, but gradually the Gods would regain their consciousness and some sembelnce of power and begin pushing themselves back into the realms. These became known as the Eldritch Gods and are the reason that Penance now strips a fallen God of their sentience and mind before casting them down as Titans.

The Eldritch Gods are the only living beings within the Void, unable to conjure a physical form. They yearn to return to the mortal realms but are kept imprisonned by Penance, undetectabe and irretrievable. They have been twisted into grotesqu perversions of their former domains, now beings of madness and chaos that occassionally stretch their tendrills into the mortal realms to gain a foothold in the hopes of amassing enough of a cult following to conjure themselves back into being. One benefit of residing within the Void is that nobody can detect them, not even Penance, meaning their influence can grow secretly for decades before the cult is discovered and removed.
Magical Realm


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