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The Faceless

Believed to be the Master of death himself, The Faceless rarely are seen in groups as they hold their hunting spots for themselves. Resembling giant humanoids, the Faceless dress in long dark tattered cloaks, tarnished silver armor, with a mask to hide their face. What "skin" is visible is black as night and drips with a unknown substance that leaves a smoky black trail of miasma. Often appearing in areas of great suffering the faceless dont naturally seem hatefull, however if your gaze meets theirs or their spawns, nothing may save you from its wrath.

  Stats: STR:15(+2)  DEX:15(+2)  CON:14(+2)  INT:10  WIS:6(-2)  CHA:5(-3)
AC:17  HP:124

Sense Life: The Faceless mark those that look upon them and hunt them over the course of the next 24 hours if able
Assimilate: When The Facless kill (bring a target to 0HP), the black liquid that secretes from them infects the corps and begins to transform them into a Wight. Assimilate also removes 1d4 Con (Max HP) per turn if the liquid gets on someone
Forbidden Terrain: The Faceless can sink into the liquid recreated from their body and instantly reappear anywhere there is a puddle of the murky liquid that is 3x3ft within a 50ft radius
MultiAttack: The Faceless can attack twice
Claw:2d6+str to a target within reach
Legendary Action(Once per day)
Unholy Feast: All thralls of the Faceless in a 1 mile radius are overcome with the need to uterrly destroy the target of this action

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Living

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