Miruval's Lantern Item in Melestrua's Mystara | World Anvil

Miruval's Lantern

Legends tell of Miruval, who stretched the veils of space and time looking for the true reality beneath it all. Some stories talk of her as a powerful wizard. Others refer to him as a mighty gold dragon. Some even suggest they are a manifestation of Khoronus. Clearly the origins and details are lost in the mists of time, and possibly all three are correct.   The legends also speak of a powerful artefact Miruval created to help in their studies, which can pierce through disguise to show the true reality. Descriptions vary, but all agree it appears as a lantern with a crystal globe where normally the wick would be, and that it never needs refilling. Some say it is of bronze, others of gold. Some say it is highly polished, others that it is tarnished and battered. Some say it is square, others hexagonal. All agree that it is ornately worked with patterns which are said to move and change when the lantern is not being observed.   Some tales also claim the lantern can take additional panes which can be slotted in, and which reveal different aspects of the world - highlighting fiends or fey, undead or invisible creatures.   Legends say people staring into the lantern have been granted visions of far-off places or times, flashes of the future or the past, though how these visions are triggered, and whether there is any control possible, none of the stories say. There are also tales that people who stare too long into its depths have fallen into a sleep from which nothing could rouse them. When they awake days or weeks later, they talk as if in a trance, apparently speaking of amazing visions (from their tone of voice), but no-one can understand them, and when they rouse from the trance and return to consciousness, they have forgotten everything.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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