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And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Kaorar.- Tome of Aeons

Arialist Faith

A common quality of all those who live in Mellanvärlden is the certainty of death, for death is the curse all mortals are obliged to bear and fear. Whether one lives for a second or for a century, their fate is equal, and that applies for all beings that have a soul within themselves.
According to the Tome of Aeons, since the soul is a superior creation, composed of that which is holiest, it thus cannot be undone or destroyed, but it can be marked, scarred, split, and altered in a number of ways. A soul is created at the time of the conception, and from that point, it is eternal. However, once one has expired their body, whether by the wear of time, injury or any other cause, the soul is them freed from it's vessel and it ascends high into the fabric of the cosmos, until it reaches the Sanctum of Zephon, the Illiot angel of life and death. At that point, the soul is weighed and judged on a scale, in which all sins and corruption that said soul has committed in life remain marked, branded on it. If a soul is deemed evil, it is condemned to take the boat of Mendrion to Kaorar. On the other hand, if the soul is deemed good, pure and just, it ascends even further, reaching the place to which no evil nor sadness can get to, a place of infinite beauty and peace, the White Shores.
However, there is yet a third fate that be given to a soul, which happens when one dies without a name, without a burial or if their body gets tainted by foul magic, along with curses and similar dark fates. In this case, the soul is doomed to forever wander Skuggar, to forever seek it's salvation, only to be forgotten, in which some claim to be the only way a soul can expire.