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Giant Spider

Feared by countless, giant spiders are, as the name implies, much larger versions of their ordinary selves. They carry a strong venom and their total legspawn can reach up to several meters, but average around 1,5 to 2 meters. They spin and weave enormous webs that are strong enough to capture prey many times larger than themselves, in which the spiders, very cunningly, merely watch and linger while their meals trash and fight against their sticky traps. When they finally tire themselves, the spiders lunge forward for precise bites as they inject their venom, which paralyze or sedate their prey. Once immobile the spider ensnares what was caught in thicker silk for later consumption, as large nests often have a dedicated chamber where their food is hung from coccon-like traps. 

Yet, despite inhabitting the nightmares of most people, giant spiders are almost never seen by ordinary folk, as they are almost exclusively found in the Under Realm. Maesters of Sarusa and the Red Citadel have tried to come up with explanations to this, but their only conclusion was that the underground must have some peculiar property that allows the spiders to grow so much. Caught specimens that were grown above-ground barely reached the 30 centimeters mark, which supported such claim. 

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Blind and deaf, spiders rely on their sensitive hairs to sense disturbances in the air and on their webs.
Beast - Insectoid
5 to 50 years.
Geographic Distribution