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Noble and legendary, griffins are fabled creatures that possess the body of a mighty lion and the head and wings of an eagle, a true king of the skies. They possess incredible strength and agility, preying on land creatures they may lay their sharp eyes upon. Amongst such, they usually hunt smaller animals such as deer, sheep and boars, but might as well prey on men if necessary. 

  Despite their bestial nature, griffins possess quite a remarkable intelligence, in which they can anticipate their target's movements and plan accordingly. Not only this, but they also have very good memory, meaning they remember tactics and traps that might be used against them. 

  As for their physical prowess, few land creatures can surpass a griffin's strength; their lion claws and eagle talons are a force to be reckoned with, capable of slashing flesh with ease, and if such are not enough, their powerful beaks are said to be strong enough to bend and pierce through quality steel. 

  They are found both in Människar and Brandjorden, usually soaring the skies around mountains and peaks, where they usually build their nests. A griffin has an average lifespan of 120 years, but some are said to have reached the 200 years mark.    All throughout history, griffins have been depicted in heraldries and flags as a sign of power and majesty. The flag of Sarusa bears an en passant griffin over a red and yellow field. 

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

As beasts, they reproduce as the ordinary animal and lay eggs on their nest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Griffins are carnivorous creatures, but may males may sometimes feast of the eggs of other griffins, usually when their territory is encroached.
Bestial - Noble