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Forgotten by the gods, beings so old and dangerous even demons learned to fear them.

Found exclusively in the deepest places of the Under Realm, horrors are abyssal beings that linger in the darkest pits of the world. They are unknown to all but a few fortunate souls that were lucky enough to lay their eyes upon such creatures and survive to tell the tale. Amongst the little record that exists about them, there is a consensus about the different kinds that exist, such as dark, grey and pale horrors, with the latter being the most terrible of the trio. Words are insufficient to convey the terrible nature of horrors, for their mere presence strikes fear in every heart and no source of light can withstand the darkness that emanates from them.  
Reports of such creatures match in a few aspects, their wings, emaciated corpses and hollow, empty gazes. Their speed is beyond comprehension and they know no emotions, remorse or fear. No weapon seems to hurt them and no report exists of one being killed.

It is theorized that horrors are as old as the cosmos itself, beings that were created along with the realms, inhabitting the abyss since the dawn of creation. There is no information on their mental capabilities, creation or purpose. It ranks amongst the most dreadful and powerful entities to exist.
Unholy - Abyssal Entity
Geographic Distribution