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The golden realm, where only gods and angels inhabit. This world is worshipped by the mortals of Mellanvärlden as the only hope for their existence among dakrness and death.   Although other beings such as the elves and the titans being quite arrogant towards the deities of Larianor, one would argue they would be correct to have such a view. Such thing is due to the fact that, despite being very powerful and immortal, the angels and guardians of Larianor are not even close to being perfect, as they aren't even close of achieving omnipotence or omniscience.   Like Kaorar, Larianor has an overlord whose most known name is Arior, being worshipped by several nations of men as the mighty god of Light.  


Since their origin, the deities of the golden realm entitled themselves as the protectors of the cosmos, being responsible for maintaining the balance and nature of each of the 7 realms. And so, since the beginning of time, whenever there was a threat against the cosmic balance, the golden angels would send their emissaries and counter the change.  The most famous example of their actions was the exiling of Exodus.  

 Influence on the Mortal Realm

Like all realms, the very essence and structure of Larianor affects the way Mellanvärlden is. The stability and order in the golden realm are kept by the very feelings of hope and courage in the hearts of the mortal beings, and in exchange for such, the deities stop the chaos and evil from wiping out their fragile and short existence.  Unfortunately, for the mortals, the angels also established that they cannot directly act upon Mellanvärlden, and thus, they're not allowed, by their own laws, to completely save the middle realm from all the evil in the cosmos.
Alternative Name(s)
The Golden Realm, Illion
Dimensional plane