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A philosophical religion that preaches about the duality of every being and it's immutable and/or ever-changing aspects. This religion is mostly dominant in Umera and Sarusa, the most prosperous places of Manniskar, less prone to vicious superstition, famine and misery. Although the basis of the faith may sound paradoxical, it works more as a feature for argument, in which priests and followers debate thoroughly as a means to seek the truest truth about the nature of the universe. Although many choose to dedicate their lives to this manner of thinking, it is more of a path for self-improvement rather than an actual religion. Many of the discussions and preaching of Mosaros are held out in the open, in plazas, parks and other public places, yet there exist quite a few monasteries which are led by monks and priests, which dedicate their lives to attaining a higher spiritual level.

The Fluid Belief

  More cynical, concretist believers tend to side with the dynamic aspect of the faith, in which they argue that, although two objects may seem to be exactly the same, they are different in their unique composition, such composition that is eternally changing. This branch of the Mosaicism is strongly endorsed by the umeran theorist Apollo. In practice, this implies that one should always seek to improve, to be someone else better, someone different.
Two drops of water may look the same, yet if you drop a grain of salt in one, they still look the same, but are clearly not, and so, one should never trust the illusion of quintessence.

The Fundamental Belief

  On the other side, the idealistic followers believe in the väsen (Engelian for Essence), a quality inherent to all things and beings, a claim that states that all matter is made up of identical, infinitesimally small, homogenous parts and only make up different objects and elements due to their unique essence. The sarusan philosopher Pleistos is renowned for standing up to this belief. Those who follow this belief prefer to carry out a life of reflection and self-control, reason as to why most Mosaicist monks are fundamentalists.  
In everything, there is a share of everything.
Drop a grain of salt inside a drop of water, in the end you'll have salt and water.


In the times of old, when the Engelian Empire was at the peak of it's glory, an old sage by the name of Mosaros started debating and discussing with the population of Sarusa while he sat at the benches in the street. He would often debate how so many aspects of life were superficial, transitive, short-lived and once the citizen whom started talking to him had gained confidence that everything in the world would also be transitive, the sage would then proceed to tell the exact opposite.  
"Although the waters of the river are always flowing, always being different, all types of water, are water in their essence"
At the end of the debate, Mosaros would then explain how every living being exists in such manner, and so, to be happy and live a good life, one should seek to balance the mutable and immutable parts of their own spirit.   This religion is often symbolized by an upside down triangle, the symbol of water, in allusion to the philosopher's famous quote. All mosaicist monks wear pendants made out of silver, as a proof of their order.