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Durgrim Whitemane

Exalted Blacksmith Durgrim Whitemane

Roleplaying: Durgrim is a dwarf that likes to speak as little as possible, and will make sure that he doesn't talk unless he has to, and will avoid situations where he will have to talk. This is why he works quietly next to Duregar, who does the speaking for him, while he simply focuses on his word. If talked to, he will reply, in a manner that displays his annoyance to be forced to talk, in very short sentences that convey just enough information about the inquiry. The only times this rule is broken is when people inquire about dwarven history and religion, which he appreciates being given a chance to talk about due to his clerical profession.

Key Info:
  • Durgrim is currently working on a secret project that he says will help him redeem himself to his race. No one knows what it is.
  • Durgrim is working on 3 runes, their purposes unknown, and the same goes for their effectiveness.

A strong smell of sweat and burnt hair comes from Durgrim. His muscles with circular tattoes shine after a day of hard work, as every single one of his hammer hits creates booming sounds like thunder, as his long braided beard swings with each strike. Every braid of his beard hold a symbol of dwarven houses.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, fit and enduring, Durgrim is the type of dwarf that will work for days on grueling craftsman work if it means accomblishing his goal. His body is thus perfectly fit to make sure this happens, with a muscular build and a little bit of a belly, this man is able to make sure that he never has to stop until he is done.

Body Features

Durgrim is large and burly dwarf, larger than most of his race. His wide shoulders support his massive arms that he uses to hammer in the runes he has to.

Facial Features

Bald, with a long beard braided into 6 parts and its central part left to flow freely. His face is covered with wrinkles from the ages past, giving him the classic "elder dwarf" look towards strangers.

Identifying Characteristics

Durgrim is covered with many tattooes, most of them circular in shaping, with some examples being a hammer and an anvil, an anvil with 3 stars commemorating Aule, various rune tattooes that glow when he is on his work.

Special abilities

Durgrim has multiple runes upon his body, which are actually rune tattoos made by the local inkmaster Umegan. They fulfill many roles, a lot of them to do with the art of runesmithing itself.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually not wearing a shirt, Durgrim is usually found wearing only his pants and a blacksmiths apron. He has mentioned once that this allows his runes to breathe in properly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Durgrim was born to a family of clerics that served the dwarven people for more than a hundred years. He was thus also expected to be a cleric for the dwarves. However, it was discovered soon that he was able to cast runes at the young age of 20, and thus was sent to be taught the ways of runesmithing. He, however, also decided to follow on the footsteps of his parents, and thus decided to join the Church of Aule. He became a cleric and a runesmith after a century of education and apprenticeship.
However, due to an event he keeps secret no matter what, Durgrim was exiled from Khazad-Dum, and made his way to Cathay to find a new destiny. He met Duregar Hammersmith, and asked him if he could be a part of his blacksmith, and was accepted in. He now works in The Exalted Anvil and is the only runesmith working in the nation, bringing the art to Cathay.

Gender Identity

Asexual, Male


Durgrim has a long history of education, he has had 100 years of apprenticeship as a runesmith, finally reaching the status of exalted Runesmith at the relatively young age of 150. At the same time, during his apprenticeship, he was educated to be a cleric of Aule, and has succeeded greatly.


Durgrim is an exalted Runesmith and after his exile from Khazad-Dum, he now works as a runesmith in The Exalted Anvil.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Becoming an exalted runesmith in record time is possibly his biggest accomplishment. Now he is secretly working on his own runes, to cement his place as one of the most notable runesmiths ever.

Failures & Embarrassments

His exile from his homeland is his greatest regret and embarrassment and thus will never talk about it and keeps it a secret.

Intellectual Characteristics

Durgrim is an expert on the art of runesmithing, dwarven history and religion. These are the only topics he will talk about wilingly. He has extensive knowledge on the past wars and accomplishments of the dwarven empire, and which runesmith created which rune, along with their biographies.

Morality & Philosophy

A paragon of virtue, Durgrim spends a lot of his time in the Temple/Forge of Aule. But even there, he barely speaks to anyone. He spends a lot of his money, secretly, to make sure that orphans are fed, in line with his religion. He will try to give advice if he sees it fit in the form of proverbs, a way of speaking without actually speaking.

Personality Characteristics


  • Durgrim seeks to redeem himself for his misdeeds back in his homeland, and has been observer be Duregar to be setting aside a serious amount of money for this purpose.
  • Durgrim aims to create runes to rival the masters of old, which will bring him back into favor with his people.
  • Other than these secretive endeavors, he seems to be hard at work on creating the finest runes possible for people.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Religious people, particularly to Aule.
  • Dwarves or possibly others who study/preserve dwarven history.
  • People who are insistent on trying to talk to him.
  • Thieves, evildoers and people who slack off.
  • Anyone who would dare insult Aule.


Lacking, often accompanied with a smell of sweat whereever he goes.


Contacts & Relations

Only really spends time with his co-worker, Duregar Hammersmith and other than that, does not talk to anyone. He has many contacts back in Khazad-Dum, however he never contacts them ever since his exile, out of shame.

Family Ties

His cleric family is long dead after a century of serving the dwarven people, and are held in high regard.

Religious Views

A religious fanatic, Durgrim makes sure that the donations he gives all go to the Church of Aule and the only thing he is passionate to talk about is matters of religion and history. He worships Aule fervently and anyone who does not is certainly in wrong for him.

Social Aptitude

A character as introverted as it gets, but not because of shyness, but rather a conscious decision to stay silent. Durgrim takes his exile in shame, refusing to talk unless he absolutely has to. When he does he is precise, and makes sure his point gets across properly, but with as little words as possible. He can thus be quite rude when it comes to conversations with people he disagrees with, calling them idiots with no hesitation.

Wealth & Financial state

Lives in modest conditions, but gains a lot of money. It is known that a significant amount of what he gains is given to charity, but the rest are being spent on a secret project.
Current Status
Blacksmith in the The Exalted Anvil
Current Location
Date of Birth
16th of Fea Al
Year of Birth
2930 3rd 175 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
He was able to cast rudimentary runes when he was born.
Karugrombthi-Klung- Home of the Ancestors
Current Residence
Grey and wide
Bald, long white braided beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skin with tattoos
1.2 meters
100 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Cathanese, Common, Khalazid.

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