
Elves were one of the first races to touch the soil of Melnara. Created by the Gods using chaotic matter from the universe, Elves were blessed with long life, a connection to the magical Weave that surrounds all things, and direct contact with the Gods who created them, being able to commune and speak with these beings as if they were their parents. Elves take many years to reach full maturity, not becoming adults until around the age 150. Due to this, elves tend to procreate more slowly as well, most only having 1-2 children in their lifetime.


The oldest events Elven tales, artwork, and ancestral memories recall the first Elves waking up, as small children, amongst a group of their bretheren in pre-Sundering  Melnara, around the start of the Age of Divinity. Even though each group was created with different strengths and afinities, the Gods raised them together. These first Elves learned magic from Vylos, writing and storycraft from Ebris, fine crafts from Xilus, and how to coexist with the natural world from Khonas.

Early Years

For a few centuries, the Elves grew and flourished under the direct care of the Gods. Before long, however, some displayed a cruiosity for the wider world, others desired new outlets for their creativity, and yet others desired children of their own. Proud of the ambition of their offspring, the Gods encouraged and guided the Elves on their first forays and adventures. They soon spread far and wide across Melnara, establishing many settlements and small communities. These communities slowly developed their own cultures over time, and by 1200 AD, complex political structures and trade networks had developed amongst groups of these settlements.
750 years
Average Height
150 - 180 cm
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